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I am 20 and have never been to the dentist. Help me through it?

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Junior member
Jun 10, 2021
Hi all! I just discovered this forum today and thought I would give it a shot. Long post ahead, full of anxious ramble.

My name is Bella and I am 20 years old. I have never been to a dentist. Ever. My dad simply couldn't afford a lot of things for us growing up and that was just one of the things that got put on a back burner. Thankfully I have never had any serious issues like abscesses etc (he would have taken me if it were an emergency, he's not a monster.)

However, I know my teeth are more than a little messed up. My two front teeth are crowded together, my bottom fronts are not straight, and I have a 'shark tooth' as I like to call it. (On the top right side of my mouth, I had a tooth grow in over another and push it out, and the newer tooth is still in my gumline. It is not painful.) I think I also have issues with my wisdom teeth, as they have been occasionally aching since I was 16, but have never fully pushed out.

So, what should I expect? My husband went ahead and made me an appointment for Tuesday at the dentist he usually sees, and explained the situation. I'm EXTREMELY anxious about it and have no idea what to think. Any advice at all would help greatly! Thank you ❤️
Hi Bella :welcome:,

first of all, feel free to ramble as much as you like, that’s what we are here for! :) secondly, well done on getting the appointment. Not everyone has access to dental care in their childhood for different reasons, but the only thing that counts is that you are moving forward now. It sounds like you are not having any accute issues, but do not feel happy with your teeth. I‘m sure your dentist will be able to discuss options with your.

It‘s ok that you are anxious - this is something new and unknown and listening to how most people feel about seeing a dentist, it‘s not a surprise that you don‘t feel very confident. What I thought may be helpful for you at this stage is our article about how a checkup looks like. You can find it here and it tells you what to expect from the moment of entering the waiting room until the end of your visit. Is there anything in paticular you are anxious about?

All the best wishes
Hi all! I just discovered this forum today and thought I would give it a shot. Long post ahead, full of anxious ramble.

My name is Bella and I am 20 years old. I have never been to a dentist. Ever. My dad simply couldn't afford a lot of things for us growing up and that was just one of the things that got put on a back burner. Thankfully I have never had any serious issues like abscesses etc (he would have taken me if it were an emergency, he's not a monster.)

However, I know my teeth are more than a little messed up. My two front teeth are crowded together, my bottom fronts are not straight, and I have a 'shark tooth' as I like to call it. (On the top right side of my mouth, I had a tooth grow in over another and push it out, and the newer tooth is still in my gumline. It is not painful.) I think I also have issues with my wisdom teeth, as they have been occasionally aching since I was 16, but have never fully pushed out.

So, what should I expect? My husband went ahead and made me an appointment for Tuesday at the dentist he usually sees, and explained the situation. I'm EXTREMELY anxious about it and have no idea what to think. Any advice at all would help greatly! Thank you ❤

Good luck for your appointment. It’s understandable to feel anxious about the unknown and a new experience but it will be okay. The first appointment with a new dentist is often just about having a looking in the mouth and history taking of any concerns you have.

I'd like to say welcome to the forum as well! You are in the right place! You have alot of people in similiar situations. You seem to have some positives mentioning your husband making an appointment for you. and taking the time to explain it to the dentist your situation.. Sounds like he cares and is supportive , That is definately a positive. Do you know much about his clinic? Its good he is taking time to explain your situation and to prime them so they best know how to help and work with your anxiety of going for the first time to a new office..

HOpe it is a good appointment and things go well for you and they are kind.. ONe step at a time.. every step you take is a huge deal, so give yourself credit. really just making the appt, then just getting through the door, sitting on the chair.. every step.. give yourself alot of grace, and don't be afraid to share your fears and anxieties it really does help..

Please let us know how it goes you got support here! :grouphug: