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I can't believe I did it!

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Junior member
May 17, 2007
One year ago, New Year's Day was a painful day because I was in California and had a toothache. Because of my dental abuse and phobia, I couldn't bring myself to a dentist. But the pain was growing bigger and my upper incisors were the problem. I would have nightmares that they would fall out of my mouth.

I also had a lot of rotten roots. 14 to be exact. I had to be very careful in smiling and eating. Then I searched for dentists on the net, and on Jan 7th 2007 I got temporaries on my 6 front teeth.

I came back to the States in May 2007. On May 8th I had 14 extractions and 11 implants loaded in total anesthesia. 2 failed one month later. I left the States at the end of June and went back to Italy.

I got back here in November 2007. My implants got exposed, and then the healing caps were put on. On Dec 26th, I got temporaries on both my implants and the rest of my teeth.

Geeez was it shocking! I couldn't remember how long ago it was when I could smile with a full mouth of teeth. I'm just 36.

I will wear these temporaries till the end of Jan 2008. And then, finally, MY teeth. Granted, the temp are a pain in the neck, especially because they need to be grinded every so often to adjust the bite, and every new bite messes with your neck a little. But still.

I'm writing all of this because, guys and gals, I want to encourage you. It's never too late, do not give up on the possibility of smiling again.

One year ago today, I was dreading the idea of having to face it. And now, I'm so happy I did! I can actually eat nuts again and crack a smile without thinking.

Much love to you all! If I did it, you CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For one terrible moment I thought you were going to say, and crack the nuts. But I bet you can do that too!:) Lovely to read your story. Great inspiration for those of us just starting out.
What a wonderful post!

It gives me hope that this time next year I will be in the same place you are now.

Thank you!

Re: I can't believe I did it!/an update

I will wear these temporaries till the end of Jan 2008. And then, finally, MY teeth. Granted, the temp are a pain in the neck, especially because they need to be grinded every so often to adjust the bite, and every new bite messes with your neck a little. But still.

I wanted to update you... I had some complications, mainly because my muscles didn't want to get used at chewing again, but still!

Now I'm waiting for May 19th when I'll be putting on my final 4 crowns on 4 implants. Then I'll post a before and after and you all will be proud of me.

I want you to know that no matter how bad they are, they can be fixed. You can be beautiful again!!!!