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I did it! Two root extractions on opposite upper sides... (LONG)



Junior member
Dec 9, 2014
Hi everyone :) I spent the whole of last week leading up to my two root extractions reading everything I could on this site looking for reassurance that all would be well.

I definitely have some kind of dental phobia and up until the last few years, I'd avoided the dentists for 15 years! Needless to say I had various issues when I finally plucked up the courage to see someone. Infact, I made a thread here about it at the time. I never did follow through with the two extractions which I was told I needed and infact, both of the teeth dropped clean out last year! And, then I was faced with two root extractions which I put off and put off until my dentist said I would be taken off their books if I didn't follow through with the surgery.

I'd been referred to a specialist dentist to have the roots extracted by local anaesthetic. I did ask to be put to sleep but they convinced me that it was a simple and easy procedure and not worth being sedated for. Somehow I felt comforted by the words simple and easy... So I agreed.

I had to have a 3d scan taken at the hospital ahead of the appointment. Since it was both right and left upper 7's (pretty big teeth/roots) and they are very close to the sinuses. So the specialist would need to know how likely it was that the sinuses would be impacted. They have to close the hole up in a different way if this is the case (luckily it was not the case for me, although she did say I'd got some big roots!)

On the day, the specialist and lovely nurse sat me down and showed me the xrays and explained what they were going to do and asked if I was happy to do one side and then see how I felt about the second. (I'd already decided I was going to get both out the way that day or I might not ever get back in the chair again).

She said that she would be making an incision in my gum (could have fainted at that point but I remained composed) and that she would drill the roots and extract in pieces. The words she was saying sounded awful but she said it in such a reassuring and kind tone. I felt that it was going to be ok.

The nurse kindly put on some music for me and we got started with the anaesthetic. I told her to give me double dose so I didn't feel anything and she assured me she would use plenty. Both the specialist and the nurse were really jolly and funny, so this helped tremendously! I said I didn't want to see any of the instruments and she told me not to look at the reflection in her glasses then. Remarkably I never did see anything.

After the anaesthetic took hold (we were talking about low carb diets and squat booties whilst waiting lol) she made the cut which I didn't feel at all and said she thought she might be able to get the roots out without drilling. This pleased me immensely, the nurse was telling me I was being so brave and doing a great job. I felt quite pampered honestly lol. There was some serious tugging and pulling but before I knew it. She said the root was out and it just needed a tiny clean up and then stitching. The stitching was the only part I felt a bit squeamish about and not because it hurt or because I could see what she was doing but because I could feel the thread on my chin and my imagination did the rest. But the deep breathing and holding the nurses hand got me through it.

We then had a little break and a chat about caffeine addiction before starting the next side. This side was faster than the other. Except that there was a little infection on one of the roots and I could feel it coming out (it wasn't painful, I could just feel it unlike the other side). So she administered more anaesthetic before cleaning and stitching it up. Despite the little infection I would not need antibiotics and I believe this was because I'd been using anti bacterial mouth wash for quite some time. Anyway, it was all over within 45 minutes and I was sat with gauze wads either side of my mouth whilst the nurse went over after-care with me.

I honestly, couldn't believe I'd put it off as long as I had. I mean it wasn't the most pleasant thing I could do with my morning but it wasn't the worst either. After all this, I don't think I will be as nervous to visit the dentists in the future. :)

I began taking a combination of paracetamol and ibuprofen (every 2 hours) for the first day. I liquefied my dinner and didn't really have an appetite. There was no bleeding that I could see or taste either, so I guess it was doing well. The second day, I felt a bit rough (nothing dramatic) but I slept most of the day and made sure to gently rinse with salt water. Since I can't eat on both sides, it's been a bit tricky. Been eating mostly porridge, potato, mashed banana, soup etc... I am now on day 3 and just started getting brave enough to brush up to the holes (still daren't brush the one tooth on either side farthest away) but am now using anti bacterial mouth wash again so hopefully that will suffice until the stitches come out and I feel it's safe to brush gently.

Also, I am a runner and was told that I should wait 3 days before getting back into running. So I will attempt a gentle run tomorrow (4th day). I came back to the forum to read up about eating and to tell my story. I know I'd have liked to have read this when I was looking for reassurance myself. So hopefully it might help or interest someone facing root extractions.

Hope I haven't missed anything out.

Thanks for reading :)
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Well done going to the dentist, to get treatment, I hate going to the dentist even I been going for years
Well done going to the dentist, to get treatment, I hate going to the dentist even I been going for years

Thank you very much! :)Yes it is a big relief and I feel you. I still have to go back to find out the state of a chipped tooth. (From favoring/eating on one side when I had previous problems). Hoping they can salvage it and that it will just be normal check ups after this one. :errr:
Just thought I'd give a little update :) Day 6... I was worried about going for a run on day 4 especially after googling "Running after extraction". There were so many extreme stories from one person running the same day and another running 3 days later and having their stitches open. So I was nervous but decided since I hadn't bled since the morning I had the roots out ( I think this is because I have quite low blood pressure) that I'd go for a gentle 2 miles and stop if I felt any pain.

I needn't have worried because it was fine, I couldn't taste any blood like some runners had reported and I think despite being on a soft food diet, I have been eating plenty and have lots of energy. Felt fine afterwards too.

I just completed my 2nd run of the week and happy to say I feel normal (running/fitness wise). I also got brave today (day 6) and had some softish fries with beans and cheese for dinner. It took me 40 minutes to eat them and my jaw is a little sore now but they were yummy and I consider it a step forwards.

Still not brushing beyond the holes (the two teeth either side of the extraction site are getting neglected)but I just daren't put the brush any further yet. I may try and get a smaller/softer brush from the store tommorrow. The stitches as far as I know haven't come out yet, they did say it could be between 7-10 days. I think once they're out I'll feel a bit braver about brushing. I don't know. I am a bit of a wuss, I haven't even dared to look at them!

Overall, I feel well. No pain. Not taking painkillers anymore. Some mild burning now and then. I presume because the gums are healing. Still swishing with salt water & using anti bacterial mouthwash. Back running. Looking forward to getting progressively better and eating normal again in due time.