I survived my appointment
So I was able to eat breakfast this morning and I'm glad I did because my appointment took awhile and that was one of the worst parts (I felt like I sat in the chair for over an hour).Before I went to bed last night,my father kept asking me if I was okay and he kept telling me that I didn't have to be worried about anything and he continued doing such all of this morning (even during my appointment) and honestly he said it so much that it started to get on my nerves and make me a little more anxious

,but in his defense,I think he truly thought that he was making me feel better.So his assistant (who has worked for my father since I was a young child so she knows me really well) is really kind and sweet and friendly and she knows how to talk to me so she helped me feel more comfortable as well.Well,my father asks me if I wanted "laughing gas" and I told him "no" (because my sensory issues keep me from being able to tolerate things like those types of masks over my face and I once had to have "laughing gas" during a dental procedure at his office when I was a young child and I didn't want it then either so I remember crying during the whole procedure) and he asked me once again if I was sure that I didn't want "laughing gas" and once again I told him "no" and thankfully he dropped the subject.So my father numbs my mouth referring to the needle as "medicine" and I had to hold my chin up which I expected for that portion.A minute or two later my father used a dental tool to see if I was numb and this time I could not feel anything at all (I didn't even feel the tool) so I told him that I was numb and he asked me if I was sure and I told him that I was numb again.My father did allow me to wear my headphones during the drilling part,but I wanted to wear my headphones that go over the head because they muffle out more noise,but I had to wear a pair of my ear buds because he said that he would probably end up accidentally knocking my headphones (that go over my head) off severval times while he was working on my teeth,so I had to wear ear buds and I heard more noise than I wanted to

. Anyway my father starts drilling and he just keeps drilling and drilling

-everytime that I thought he would be done with the drill because he kept taking it out of my mouth my hopes died a little each time because he just kept drilling.There were a couple worst things about the the drill and that was that he kept drilling and I felt like he would never stop and I was beginning to think that I couldn't possibly have any tooth left,but I trusted him and kept my mouth open AND apparently my cavity was on a very back molar on the upper half of my mouth so I had to hold my chin up ("all the way up" as my father said) the entire time that he was drilling (which felt like hours) and it was not a comfortable position for me

.In the midst of drilling my teeth,he would periodically ask me if I was okay and if I needed any more "medicine" and I was still numb so I told him that I was okay.At one point during the drilling,I must have shifted in my chair or wrung my hands because his assistant ask me if the sound of the drill was bothering me and she told my father that I was wringing my hands.My father told me to remember that the drill was "just noise".Well,after the drilling,he put some Vaseline on my lips using a cotton swab because apparently the drilling made my lips dry.It wasn't until after the drilling that I got even more nervous

,my father wasn't even talking to me (he was talking to his assistant) and I could tell that he was attempting to keep his voice low so that I wouldn't overhear but I could hear a few words-I could hear him tell his assistant that he had to drill deeper than he wanted to and that he would have to do a pulp cap (whatever that is-I don't like to look up dental terms because it gives me even more anxiety) and that I was bleeding (it did not even occur to me that you could bleed from having your teeth drilled

and I had already convinced myself in my head that if I could make it past the drilling that the worst part would be over).I do not think that I was supposed to hear that I was bleeding and it scared me (a lot) and I wanted to leave.I was done.I kept seated though and my father put what he called "medicine" within the freshly drilled hole in my poor tooth and he had me bite down on a cotton roll for a few minutes and he stayed in the room with me and talked to me and rubbed my shoulder and I nodded and shook my head "yes" and "no" when I needed to (just talking about random things,he was attempting to make me smile).He never came out and told me that I was bleeding and I never asked (I didn't really want to know) but I assume that I stopped because after a few minutes the cotton roll was removed and my father started working on my tooth again.Well,I'm still very anxious once again

and my father has to remind me a few times to hold my mouth open wide and his assistant suggests placing a bite block in my mouth and my father agrees and he makes a statement along the lines of "She (me) was doing so good earlier holding her mouth open big and wide.I think she's getting tired." and so a bite block was placed into my mouth and I was told to rest my mouth on it.The bite block didn't hurt,but I felt like a small child who wasn't old enough to keep their mouth open,I felt a little humiliated

and that's when I started to cry

.My father responded with a "no, we're not going to cry" (he didn't say such in a mean way,but in an attempted reassuringly way) and he started drying my face with a Kleenex that his assistant handed to him.My father asked me if I was in pain and I shook my head "no" (I wasn't in physical pain) and he told me that he was almost done.So my father proceeded to do my filling and he had to remind me to hold my chin up a couple of times (after saying such twice,I could tell that his patience in his voice was wearing thin,but I couldn't help it-I don't know why I couldn't keep my chin up).Towards the end of my filling,my father used "Mr.Thirsty" (a name of which he has had for the suction piece since I was a young child) and I must have been fighting the suction tip with my tongue or something because he said "Mr.Thirsty isn't going to hurt you." He" just wants all of that spit and water" (he thinks I'm still a child,but honestly during times like this,I feel better when he talks to me like that).So after the filling,my father is checking the smoothness of the filling or whatever and I have to bite down and "chew" on that little piece of paper.Well,to my dismay,he has to use the drill once more for a few seconds and he reminds me that the drill is "just noise"

.Well,I obviously survived all of that.
Just when I think everything is over and my tooth is fixed and I can breathe and eat normally again,I get some potentially more bad news

.My father sits me back up in the chair and he rolls his stool in front of me and he asks me "are you sure that your tooth wasn't hurting you?", I'm a little surprised by this question and a little worried as to why he's asking it,but my tooth really wasn't hurting so I told him that my tooth wasn't hurting. He takes a sigh and closes his eyes for a second like he has something that he doesn't want to tell me.I wring my hands some more (this nightmare was supposed to be done by now).He then proceeds to tell me that my cavity was slightly bigger than what he thought it was originally and that he had to drill more deeply than he wanted to.I'm thinking in my head "okay...well it's over isn't it?" but I don't say anything out loud.He then proceeds to tell me that if my tooth hurts for a day or two that it's normal,but if it hurts for longer than that than I need to let him know.I'm sitting a little stunned and shocked and thinking in my head "what's wrong with my tooth?".Then comes the really,really (at least in my head) bad news

,my father tells me that I may need a root canal if my tooth doesn't stop hurting. He says that he can do root canals,but apparently this particular tooth has two roots and he doesn't want to mess with it.So he told me that if I do end up needing a root canal,he'll take me to an endodontist.Okay,so a couple of things a)I was previously led to believe that I wasn't going to need a root canal if I got this filling and b)I don't like to have procedures done by my father-much less a stranger.My father claims that if I do end up needing a root canal that everything will be okay and that it's no big deal and that the procedure isn't much different from a filling-I don't know how much of this is true (like I said before,looking up dental procedures gives me anxiety),but I do know that I'm not looking forward to receiving anymore fillings or similar procedures anytime soon.So now,I'm hoping and praying that I won't need a root canal