@kayduck I completely understand the feeling of hating yourself right now, but take a deep breath and think, you did make progress! You made that appointment. In the end you didn’t go through with it, but the fact you made the appointment in the first place is a huge victory.
Now is a time to reset and look at why you couldn’t go through with it and what happened. Obviously this will take some time, but it’s a good way to see where you’re at and what you need to work on for the future. What you need to go through with an appointment.
Don’t hate yourself. Truly, honestly, do not hate yourself and do not feel stupid. We’re all here, dealing with such trauma and anxieties and awfulness to do with our mouths. It’s a feat to even phone for an appointment, let alone get ourselves there. You can always try again. You’ll get there, you will. It wasn’t today, but it will be in the future.
Sending you all the hugs right now.