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I live in Malaysia and I fear to see the dentist because my teeth are rotten



Junior member
Jun 12, 2018
I live in Malaysia and I fear to see the dentist because my teeth are rotten

Hi everyone. My teeth are rotten and I have a big cavities on my front tooth and I can give a big smile to my family and friends. I'm a 27 year old guy, my mouth condition are very bad right now. My teeth can be placed in the Worst Teeth section on this website!!! I can't even get a daily job that requires me to have social interaction, I'm just doing freelance work from home. It is really sad. Sometimes I feel like I want to end my life. I'm planning to go to United States to get a treatment, and I hope I can find a good dentist. But that is a crazy plan because it requires a lot of money. Get a treatment in my country? I don't know, it feels like I rather die than to face the humiliating situation. Any advice to hide my ugliness for temporary while I'm searching a good clinic here? Please forgive my English, thank you for reading, have a nice day!
Re: I live in Malaysia and I fear to see the dentist because my teeth are rotten


You are so worth the best treatment and its really hard to feel so bad about your teeth. I so get this.. as I do too.. I know the US is far from you, but seems you are very determined to get the best care for your teeth.. I do have a friend who is a dentist in the Phillipines.. he is very very good at what he does and very kind man.. If you would consider the Phillipines and traveling less I could get you his webpage.. is there not many good options in Malaysia? or have you tried alot that have not worked so far.
Re: I live in Malaysia and I fear to see the dentist because my teeth are rotten

I think there are quite alot of good dentists in Malaysia, especially in the cities. You could do some googling and get recommendations from local forums or blogs I think. Otherwise, Singapore is also a good place to try, there are quite alot of good dentists and would also be cheaper than travelling to the states.