• Dental Phobia Support

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I must make an appt after 37 yrs and the shame it blinding

  • Thread starter Thread starter Walshclan
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Junior member
May 5, 2024
When I was 19 I had to have a wisdom tooth pulled and at that time the dentist is the one that did it! I don't know the reasoning behind that but that's what happened I had always gone to the dentist prior to that my parents made sure that we did. It felt as though he had crawled into my face and was pushing off of the chair to get the tooth out so needless to say after that I felt very traumatized and have never gone back through tooth pain and even having a few of my teeth begin to crumble and how all the fallen out and areas thank goodness not in the front so I'm hidden it. Now I'm in severe pain and I'm going to have to make an appointment and I am not only fearful but very anxious about the shame that I feel that I've done after all the years of raising my children and making sure that they had good dental health I remained Frozen in my fear!! I know I can do this because I'm in pain with having the conversation with a dental professional although I know they'll understand still leaves me with just such shame that I did not take care of myself after all the years of taking care of everything else that was one thing I was not consistent with! I'm a professional human resource director and have all kinds of great advice for everyone else except for when it comes to me!
Hi @Walshclan, please don't be so hard on yourself 🤗! If it was anyone else other than you, you'd feel compassion for their situation. Your avoidance reaction is totally understandable after what happened to you, and there is no need to feel shame. Quite the opposite, you should feel proud of yourself for taking such good care of your children's dental health in spite of your own phobia - it must have taken a lot out of you not to let them know about how you were feeling inside for all those years, and not to pass your fears on to them!

Do you have a particular dentist in mind that you'd like to see, or are you still looking for someone?
I got a reccomendation...,and plan to call first thing in the morning
That's great to hear. All the best with the phone call 🤞
I'm getting in tomorrow morning ... What do I tell them before they see my mouth😭
It will be obvious forsure
How did you do?
I finally had my appt today and it actually went well! I was offered to take a Valium and also has if needed ... I took the valium only and got through very well with it. Had my problem took fixed today and one next to it. Next appt is a cleaning ... And then 2 other appts or maybe 1 to remove what is left of 2 teeth that had broken ... I Can Do This!
Proud of myself !!!