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I need 3 retained roots removing under GA and absolutely terrified! Please help



Junior member
Aug 1, 2014
I need 3 retained roots removing under GA and absolutely terrified! Please help

Hi, I'm a 22 year old female with a crippling fear of dentists,needles,hospitals,anasthetic you name it......the list goes on, I have anxiety issues in general and know that I tend to over think things and make them worse but I cannot help it.
Basically for 10 years now i've needed 3 teeth removing and have actually been to the hospital 3 times already to have this procedure done under GA and chickened out every time because i've gotten myself that worked up. I left this problem for the past 6 years and not really had any trouble with them but last month I suddenly started to freak out telling myself if I didn't get this issue sorted I was going to end up with major toothache (which in itself terrifies me because i've had some pretty excruciating toothaches/abcess') and ended up with an actual toothache because i'd prodded at it so much with my tongue because it was constantly on my mind! Anyway I worked up the courage to register myself with a dentist and go for an appointment. I cried like a baby but the dentist was lovely and told me the obvious that I needed referring to the hospital to have these damn teeth sorted but she told me that because the rot was that bad and to the gum line that they were now just retained roots but needed removing all the same and said that because im so anxious and it would be difficult for her to remove them I was much better off under GA in hospital.
I don't even yet have my appointment but its going to be soon and already i'm not eating or sleeping with worry, I have two young little girls and its upsetting them to see me upset. Basically I NEED to hear from someone who's had this done and 'is alive too tell the tale':giggle: at times I know im being ridiculous and manage to calm myself for awhile but the nasty thoughts creep back in to my head and off I go again :cry:

My main fears here are -

-General anaesthetic in itself and fear of being out of control

-The cannula thats needed for the IV (whilst having my second baby last year by IV induction, the midwife burst a vein in my hand because she messed up)

-The fear that I may not wake up from the surgery

-The fear that I may wake up during surgery (anaesthesia awareness)

-Iv'e gotten it into my head that for some reason my procedure is going to be very difficult for my oral surgeon compared to others and that its going to take hours (i'm aware this is ridiculous ) :(

-I think bone is going to have to be removed and am scared that something's going to go wrong!

Sorry for the GIANT post, but i'm just so scared and need these fears relieving for my own sanity!! I'd love to hear from people who have had particularly retained roots removed but just oral surgery under GA in general, how long it took, pain afterwards etc. Thanks so much in advance and please do feel free to tell me I need to GROW A PAIR :laugh:
Re: I need 3 retained roots removing under GA and absolutely terrified! Please help


I've not had GA but have ha several roots removed recently even without sedation and all was fine. I expect you'll have some soreness after but this is perfectly normal. I'd have it done again tomorrow because it really wasn't that bad. It took my dentist just a few minutes for each root.

You'll get through it and if you're out due to GA then that has to be good, it means the surgeon will be able to complete the work more easily too.
I think you are over thinking things, I'm sure it won't be any more difficult for the surgeon with you than it has been with other pts. You'll have the shot and next thing you know you'll be waking up and it'll all be over.

You won't have bone removed just the roots, this should be done gently so as to leave the socket as neat as possible.

You should be given care instructions about what to do after so you'll be fine, you shouldn't experience any pain.

So don't worry you can do it.
Re: I need 3 retained roots removing under GA and absolutely terrified! Please help


:welcome: - I know it's different for each person but my experience is as follows:

I have had 3 impacted Wisdom teeth removed under GA, 20 odd years ago, I was concerned I wasn't going to wake up or wake up during the surgery and that the surgery was going to take forever and that I would be in a lot of pain afterwards.

The facts were, I did wake up from the anaesthetic but only after my teeth had been successfully extracted, there was no pain and it took the surgeon minutes to remove them. I had no swelling afterwards, in fact I was able to eat normally a few hours after coming round (chicken sandwiches if my memory serves me correctly;))

I also had the roots of a broken molar removed about 18 months ago, I had a local anaesthetic, felt a bit of pressure but no pain at all, this took approx. 5-10 minutes from start to finish.

Hope this is helpful.

try not to worry too much, easier said than done I know but you will be just fine and you will feel amazing once the tooth roots are gone:)

Kind Regards
Re: I need 3 retained roots removing under GA and absolutely terrified! Please help

Thanks so much for sharing your experience guys, made me feel a little better already! :)