• Dental Phobia Support

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I need a coronectomy, terrified, and hoping for some success stories.



Junior member
May 11, 2018
Got told today I need a coronectomy (they remove the crown, leave the roots in place) on both bottom wisdom teeth, both fully impacted in the bone, and even though I'm no medical expert, even I could tell on the xrays that the roots go pretty far past the nerves.

I've been having anxiety attacks over the idea of getting my wisdom teeth removed for weeks now, the other day I had an attack so bad I actually blacked out from hyperventilating, and all this at just the THOUGHT of my consultation...now being told I need a procedure I have never even heard of and my nerves are through the roof. I figure there will be pain, but my fear is more from loss of control (had a tooth pulled without anesthesia as a kid, they just had people hold me down, which started all this) and that I'm going to die while unconscious (Unlikely, I know, but phobias a b*tch, right? :silly:)

Problem is, I can't even find any useful information on this procedure, which is making it even worse. Knowing I'm not alone in my fears has always helped to some degree, and since I can't find any personal stories online, I'm hoping people here can help me, anyone ever get one of these? Was it more painful than regular extraction? What was healing like? Anything will help, thanks in advance all!
Not much use to you, I've never done it, seen it done a couple of times and it was very successful, a bit easier on the patient than conventional extractions.

However the trouble with asking for other people's experiences is that after 3rd molar surgery the patient's response is very unpredictable...

Take me for example, I had 1 side done, had horrible pain and lots of swelling for a week or so afterwards, went back a month later for side 2, being by this time really worried about it and I was fine!

Same surgeon both times, side 2 was probably the more difficult extractions as well :-)