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I was told that there could be possible nerve damage when extracting my wisdom teeth.



Junior member
Oct 9, 2024
IMG_0717.jpegI was told that there's a risk of nerve damage following getting my wisdom teeth taken out. My anxiety has been through the roof after reading numerous posts about pain, numbness, tingling, etc.. I guess I'm wondering what the chances are that this will happen to me, and how likely it is to be permanent. My OS said that the wisdom tooth had formed into the nerve. I was also told there was a cyst surrounding my wisdom tooth, so that was a reason for extraction. These teeth cause me no pain whatsoever. I'm just terrified of the risks. Any responses are greatly appreciated!
The best answers are going to come from your OS, why don't you ask them directly what you want to know? All I can really tell you is that from that x-ray, then yes, there is a chance of nerve damage.
Sorry but that's about the best I can do.