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I'm going to have to get some fillings done

  • Thread starter Thread starter JasmineTilde
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Nov 9, 2016
Never started to care too much about my teeth until after high school (graduated last year), and now I'm a little panicky. I have at least three cavities visible in my molars. Only one has ever caused me serious pain and even chipped - the others don't seem to be too bad.

I haven't seen a dentist much before, only once or twice, and I'm a little intimidated. I keep having these dreams where I lose all my teeth or hear they're all rotting away or something, and that's scary because I'm so young and because I always get compliments on my smile.


How do I stop stressing so much about this as my appointment draws nearer?
hi! I just wanted to say I know how you feel. ): In high school I didnt care too much for mine either the most I ever had was one cavity. After I grdauated I kind of got lazy and cared again. Last year I had for caivities (3 were small and one was the same cavity I had filled in high school; I think the filling came out because my dentist then did a really piss poor job lol)
Your going to feel soo much better after you get them filled though. Do you know if they are small cavities or what kind of filling material they'll be using?
Try rubbing some lavender oil behind your ears, it helps relax you so you can sleep better. Having nightmares about teeth falling out or loosing teeth is the absolute worst. :(
:hug: you''ll be okay <3

Also nice teeth! LOL! THey actually resemble mine a little. :giggle:
I'm not sure yet - my appointment is a week or so away. One is pretty bad - my molar is chipped and half gone. The others are...not too bad, really - just black stripes in the middle of the molars. I can't see my top teeth very well, so I'm not sure if I have more there. Probably at least one or two, but I always assume the worst.

Thank you! At least all my visible teeth look okay and I don't appear to be in danger of losing them.
I'm not sure yet - my appointment is a week or so away. One is pretty bad - my molar is chipped and half gone. The others are...not too bad, really - just black stripes in the middle of the molars. I can't see my top teeth very well, so I'm not sure if I have more there. Probably at least one or two, but I always assume the worst.

Thank you! At least all my visible teeth look okay and I don't appear to be in danger of losing them.
Aw im sure youll be okay! :hug: I hear you though. Im gonna be making a dental appointment myself. I have some tartar build up from being too afraid to brush when I had an infection in my mouth that id like to get cleaned off! :( It bugs my tounge to feel it, lol. (its mainly on and behind my bottom teeth le sigh.) Those ones with stripes seem like itty pitty cavities! I think theyll try and either put a crown on your molar or put a half one on there. be sure to update : )
Thank you so much. This is helping me calm down a tad. >_<;;

Will do. Difficult finding a dentist who will take my insurance, though - so an appointment is a few weeks away.
Don't worry it will only get better! Speaking from experience decay can be a "silent killer", I have lost 7 and a half teeth over the years by slowly decaying, infecting each other etc. Best decision of my life was to fight my fears and go to the dentist. It only got better and better since then. I have never experienced pain in the dental chair, honestly my teeth decaying was more scary and painful then anything the dentist ever did.
I used to have these anxiety dreams for year, loosing my teeth, first they were dreams, then they also became reality, then they became dreams about reality, then they became sleepless nights and worrying.
Your situation sounds way less complicated then mine - and because you are young (me too) it will be so rewarding to get it over with now and not let it get worse. by the sound of it the chipped molar might need and onlay or filling - the doc will know better, and some filling for the rest. But honestly no need to worry :) and the reason is because you are not heading towards something bad, you are heading towards something good.

Thank you so much. This is helping me calm down a tad. >_<;;

Will do. Difficult finding a dentist who will take my insurance, though - so an appointment is a few weeks away.

Your welcome!! It'll be okay plus Im sure that crown is going to last quite some time so you shouldn't fear anything. :D ive never really had crowns on my permanent teeth before. I had a shiz ton when I was a kid on my baby teeth though. (I had caivities all over the place; :( )
As for those small cavities those are nothing. ;)
I dont even worry about the three I have since she said they were itty bitty ones lol.

I feel you. Finding a dentist that takes my insurance is hard too...:( It sucks because the places I have found that seem to handle patients with anxiety don't take what I have and the only place that takes mine seems sketchy. Try to calm your nerves till your appointment nothing will get worse as long as you continue to take good care of yourself. :hug:
Thanks so much - this has all really helped me feel better. I was on pins and needles about all this...

The cavities are uncomfortable to eat on. But I'm fairly convinced most of the irritation is psychological because before I noticed them and started maintaining obsessively, they were never a bother.

I don't know why I feel so embarassed about having them - they aren't on teeth anyone can see. It makes me feel terrible.

I just can't wait to get them done and have this behind me.
Well, my grandmother is finally scheduling the appointment this Monday - we just got our car fixed or we would have scheduled earlier. I hope I'll be able to get this over with by the holidays. :(