Now, I haven't been posting on here as often, as things have been ticking along quite nicely for the most part. But today is the exception to the rule, and I need to chat to someone as I have for the first time in a long time been
I'll sort of rewind to Saturday, and end up at today if that's ok? So, Saturday, Ali had a doctor's appointment about the pain she is getting from near her operation site. The doctor said the wound has healed nicely
and that the only thing she can put the pain down to is something to do with nerve endings (I wasn't in the room, so that is as best as I can describe). She is back to see the Consultant next week, and hopefully he will be able to throw some more light on the matter.
That took up a fair bit of the morning, and then Ali was due to start work at 3pm. By the time we got out of the doc's and back to sort some lunch out, it was too late to do anything else. So I pottered about until it was almost time to take her to work. Just before that, she got a message on the wonderful FB from an unreliable source, that there was no work, and she didn't need to go in, but as they work on a points system (if you are off three times you are out), I suggested that Ali go in as per, and if she wasn't needed, she would be told properly.
So off we toddled (an unhappy Ali) and I waited while she went in to find out. She was gone ages, and when she did come out, she didn't have to work (a happy Ali). I then had to get petrol because down to my last dregs, and heading off to France on Sunday, needed the fuel to get us to our pick up point. Petrol got.
Headed off into town, and it was manic, I started to panic as I didn't think I would get what I needed to in the limited time that I had left, but, I did, so all was hunky dory on that front, could go to France looking like I wasn't wearing oversized clothes
Then got up real early to get ready, superglued my mouth so that it would stand up to the challenges of a very long day of fabulous French food, and off we went. However......... Ali had a bit of a dodgy tum, and was getting in a right old two and eight about eating anything. Cite Europe, for those who haven't been, the toileting situation there is a bit of a 'mare - they are all based at one end of a very long shopping mall, so because she was worrying herself over that, she wouldn't eat or drink anything, and as she was already feeling really bad, didn't want to make her feel worse by stuffing my extremely sturdy mouth in front of her
So, we both mooched and shopped, and apart from water, nothing passed either of our mouths all day! Once we got going back on the coach, Ali soon fell asleep, so I took my chance and 'snuck' my hand into the bag that was carrying croissants and had one
That all worked out fine in the end, as we got home (9.30 ish) and ordered from our favourite Indian takeaway - yum
Then we arrive at today
I was due to get my hair cut for the first time since I had my teeth out! Now to let you understand - I hate having my hair cut with a vengeance, and there is only one person who I totally trust to do my hair, but as her prices have gone up to over £65 for a cut and blow dry, decided to use the little girl that has done my hair before (not brilliantly, I have to say, but ok).
I have always had shortish hair (since my mum dragged me to the hairdressers when I was about five and ordered the hairdresser to 'chop it all off')! And there have been varying lengths to this short hair, and I have had it 'cropped' a couple of times, but then look a bit like a pin cushion, and so now with my new mouth, needed to make sure that I didn't get anything too drastic that would draw more attention to my face if that makes sense?
Because as happy as I am with my teeth and how they look, I still know that they are not mine, and am conscious that others will be more aware of the difference if that makes sense. I know what I want to say, but I don't quite know how to say it, so hopefully you can get my drift, because I really don't want anyone to think that I am unhappy with my teeth, as that is not what I mean.
So, we have a conversation about just how long my hair has got, and what do I want doing with it. She said about doing that bob cut where it is shorter at the back and longer as it comes round to the front. No, my hair has a bit of a 'kink' in it, and I haven't got the time or the patience to be faffing around with straighteners. Do I want a normal bob cut - errrrrr no, my kink hasn't suddenly disappeared in the space of a sentence or two
I said I would like it shorter, but not as short as I have had it in the past, and not cropped over my ears or totally off my face. I explained that I hadn't been able to get a book of pictures, due to running around like a blue a**e fly for so long, and she was good with that, said she know what to do, and started to do it.
Well!!!! I could see hair flying all over the place, and big amounts of it were coming off. She was doing the hairdressy thing of checking it was the same length both sides, all of that, and then she had finished - job done, hair CROPPED
all over, and no, she hadn't cut it over my ears, but she may as well have done, as it was hacked on one side and a totally different length the other
I went into panic mode, told her it was fine, paid her her money, got rid, and cried. The first time in a while (remember when I first came on her, that was all I ever did), but I just cried like a spoilt baby. My hubby and Ali agreed it wasn't great, and (helpful as ever) hubby told me to go to a 'proper' hairdresser and get them to fix it!! I don't have much hair left now, and to face the
of going to someone else to put right someone else's wrong - I couldn't cope with it.
So, I have been trying to get it sorted myself, and tho' I have a multitude of talents, hairdressing isn't one of them. I have a few more 'snips' to get it to a better look than she left me with, and will hopefully have it as reasonable as it is going to be by the time I go back to work tomorrow.
And to add insult to injury, my hubby is on nights, and as Ali can't park at work at the time she starts (because the car parks are full) he dropped her off, with a view to us going back later and leaving the car she is insured to drive in the car park, so that she can drive home, and hubby to take my car.
That in theory works very well, it would work even better if my hubby paid attention and actually listened!! He took Ali to her physio appointment today, and he was going to drop her off straight at work, well, he did do. What he didn't do was take the other set of car keys, so although Ali had her key, he hadn't and so had to use her keys and I have to go out at 11pm tonight to pick her up - freezing cold, dark and miserable ME
On a brighter note, I have discovered with the 'superglue' situation, the longer the denture is in with it, the easier the gook is to get out of my mouth. You see what I do when I am working is put my denture in with the 'glue', go to work, come home, take the denture out, get rid of all that gunk, have a good old clean up orally, then put my denture back in minus glue. So I think I am getting to the point where I am more able to cope with the glue in that I have discovered that, and also with the help of my very strong Costco kitchen towel, I can get rid of it with less problems than before.
There, now I have got that back off my chest, I feel better, not likely to burst into tears at the drop of a hat
I keep reminding myself that people have seen me without any teeth, so very little hair is the least of my worries, what do you reckon?
Thanks for letting me bend your ears, as per, very much appreciated.