Thanks girls, and apologies for not updating sooner. Sparkles, I hope that you are settling down into your new job and enjoying it? And Jen, poor you, I hope things work out with both your tooth and your son and for the best on both counts.
Well, where do I start, I guess from last Saturday would be a good point. I got up bright and early with a view to really getting stuck in sorting my utility room out, as I have a huge rack out there full of just about everything foodie wise, but which keeps getting used as a dumping ground by the rest of the house. I also have out there a small chest freezer, and the dog's food stand is kept out there too, along with everyone's shoes etc.
So I am sorting through the rack, putting everything in date order etc (it's like working in my own little supermarket

) and all of a sudden, I slipped on a bit of water (the back door comes in to the utility bit and we had had a lot of rain, so there was still some damp bits on the tiles, and guess what, I didn't see them, so I did a bit of untrained pirouetting around, and bounced off the freezer a couple of times before landing on the floor!
Well, talk about feel real stupid

and a bit more than my usual! With everyone still in bed, I managed to drag myself up, say a few simple words like 'oh dear, silly me'
NOT! They sounded nothing like that when they left my mouth I can tell you

Anyway, dusted myself down, and carried on. Got a lot done, including my torso too!!
So, Sunday comes around, and again I'm up first, so come on here to see what the world has been up to. As I was sitting, I felt my back (for whatever reason I don't know) and thought, ouch, that's a bit tender. Then I did the same thing again, so got up and went to a mirror and looked

OMG I had two of the biggest bruises I have ever seen, one covering half my back, and the other a big chunk of my side!!
What an idiot. So not having told anyone I had fallen, I now had the proof and one way or another would end up with them knowing. That came later that day, as I became more and more in pain, and then just as I was getting ready to go out for our family Crimbo meal out, by hubby comes up to me, hugs me, and begins squeezing real tight - so tight that I yelled out in pain. When he asked what was wrong, I had to 'fess up' and the look of sheer horror when he saw the state of me will remain emblazoned on my brain for a long time to come
That's nightmare number one out of the way, so let's move on to nightmare number two for the week! As I just mentioned, we were going out as a family to a lovely old pub for dinner. So I got myself ready and was starving as I hadn't eaten all day. I had managed with my teeth and no glue because I hadn't eaten, but I really do need to glue me 'gob' in to cope with food. And I wanted to do a good job of it, as it was the first time my son and his girlfriend had seen me since getting my new smile
I gave myself plenty of time, so that I wouldn't panic and all that. Did all the 'prep' and then began to glue my top denture. Don't need so much on that, popped it in, all good. Did the bottom one, and as I was, I was thinking to myself how much easier it was 'piping' it on to my denture than usual. Well, it soon became apparent! I usually do all that first thing in the morning, when the bathroom hasn't really heated up. However, this was early evening and the bathroom was really quite warm, hence the 'glue' being softer...........
So, popped in the bottom denture, and all the usual stuff, like holding it down etc, when I began to taste something and my mouth, and then realised my mouth had sort of 'stuck' in a strange shape. When I looked, because the glue was so much easier to use being soft, I had applied
TOO MUCH!! and it was coming out of the bottom of the denture, gluing my outer denture to my mouth

So, here I was, desperately trying to shift this gook from my mouth without being able to budge the denture as I really had done a fantastic job of securing it well!! I managed it eventually, but without adding several grey hairs to my head, and losing a couple of pounds in panic sweat
Anyway, we went out, had a lovely time, few glasses of the old

and returned home. The wine (red) had stained my teeth a bit, and so I decided I would deal with the getting them out and giving them a good old clean........ so here continues disaster number two!
I thought I was pulling my brains out trying to get this denture out. It had definitely taken a liking to both my mouth and the glue. I had a couple of panic attacks, but then eventually it became to come out. Only problem with that being, was that because I had used so much 'glue' I looked like something out of a horror movie, and then on top of that I began gagging uncontrollably which then made me get
![Sick [smiley=sick.gif] [smiley=sick.gif]](/forum/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/emojione/sick.png)
What a palava - managed to sort myself out eventually, and dried my tears, and was fine again, but just came to the decision that me and this glue stuff are going to have a pretty rocky relationship if it keeps behaving like that!
Then we move onto disaster number three of the week. FF to Monday. Iain is still off with his ankle, when he gets a phone call from Amazon - they thanked him for all his hard work and all that rubbish, then whispered the words you always want to hear - we no longer need your services, we are 'releasing' you!!!!!
So, there I am at work, and the phone goes, I couldn't even understand what was being said at first, through the sobs of an eighteen year young man, being told the week before Christmas, that no only has he had a nasty accident, but while he is still recovering, he now doesn't have a job to go back to

That feeling of helplessness rained down on me again - I couldn't leave work, but at the same time, I wanted to give him such a hug and tell him everything would be ok, and for me as a mum, that was so needing to be done.
Couldn't do that

but when I got home, although he was still in a pickle, he and his dad had decided to go to the pub for a good old chat and a beer, and I got invited too, so we went off, had a good old heart to heart, and he felt better after that

So, another reason to be wanting to see the back of this year!
Now onto number four, the latest and hopefully last for this week. The last couple of years I have ordered my meat from our farm shop, and my hubby has gone and collected it. However, it has been really stressful, as we have had

and it has made access to the farm shop which is way out in the country, a tad difficult! So bearing this in mind, I decided to do the responsible thing this year, by ordering my goods and asking that they deliver them. They couldn't allocate a time, but I had arranged that there would be someone here all day long, as well as the dog
I got home from work at 4.50 (farm shop shuts at 5.00pm) I check my moby, which I have done all day long anyway, and while I was driving home, the farm shop tries to phone me. I returned the call, to be told that the driver had called at 10am this morning and then again at 11.30am - an no-one was home

By hearing this, my stress levels went through the roof!!!!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! There has been someone home all day today, every second of every minute of every hour. Ok, deep breath - then she says, can you come and collect it................
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I still have other stuff that I simply have to do tomorrow and am back at work on Monday. Ok........ she then says when is there someone home -
'Now' - she didn't hear me - obviously

- so I said I would arrange for my hubby to be here until lunchtime tomorrow. She very curtly said that she hoped that they could do that...... I then asked what would happen if they couldn't????? Her reassuring response was 'I don't even want to think about that nightmare right now' - Errrrr, you don't and I do - yeah right.
So I come off the phone and frantically ring my hubby at work (being a policeman, this is such a big no no - only if it is a complete and utter emergency - this was, so apologies for that - I quickly rambled out those magical words he was longing to hear 'can you get my meat order tomorrow for me' - yes came the answer - I even more quickly rang this stupid (sorry) woman back and told her we would collect it tomorrow. Her tone changed, she apologised, and said she hoped that the driver hadn't knocked at the wrong door as he had difficulty finding us!*!*!* And thanked me for the fact that we would collect.
Outcome is, that next year, I won't arrange delivery from them, I will wait for the snow to come, have the panic about how we are going to get our meat in time for Christmas, not have the snow answer me back in a curt manner, and know, that through hell or high water, my hubby will make sure that I get my meat order in time
And so there you go one and all, and especially Carole, as I just know that you will be

just a wee bit over all of this, and just imagine that through the good and the bad, so have I.
Out the other side as per, and living to tell the tale.
Am still not totally ready for Crimbolina, but plan to get all that sorted over the weekend - so watch this space, as we all know how the best, and especially mine, laid plans tend to go.
I am in 'Gordon' mode tonight - I have this incredible craving for pizza, so I am going to do a 'Gordon' - well not quite - I don't have a pizza oven, so I will open the page of the takeaway leaflet, dial the number and satisfy my craving
Sorry for the long post, but it makes up for lot's of little one's and keeps you all up to scratch with my crazy 'Kim' world!
I will be back before Christmas, but will take this opportunity of wishing all my new found friends, fellow dental phobes, and all of friends to be, the best Christmas this year. Full of love, laughter and no horrible nasties.
Kim xx