Not a dentist, but I have had one implant placed and am getting two more in the coming months. My first was in my lower jaw, as will be my second.
In my experience, the procedure itself was fairly easy, and not nearly as bad as I expected. I had nitrous oxide, because I get extremely nervous with any dental surgery, but was still aware of what was going on.
It heals very quickly, and pain was gone by the third day. Definitely take your pain medicine the first day (in fact, I would take some a half hour before the procedure).
Mine swelled quite a bit, even when the pain was gone, and I had bruising, but the swelling subsided after about a week.
Overall, not nearly as bad as the extraction, in terms of length of recovery.
Have soft foods on hand. You don't want to chew on that side for awhile, to allow the implant to integrate with the bone.
If you have teeth around the implant, and are worried about brushing, get a baby toothbrush, or some of those interdental brushes. I still use those to clean the implant healing cap.