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Implants removed for dentures



Junior member
Oct 31, 2023
Hello everyone,

Nothing new here, long time fear of dentists. About 15+ years ago, I was attacked, and needed implants (Guys hospital) for my front teeth. A pretty awful experience (I know people have had it a lot worse!), and fast forward to today. Been avoiding the dentist, obviously not looking after them properly, and the damage caused by the trauma has led to the natural teeth either side becoming wobbly. A dentist previously told me that bone grafts might be needed, I can't face that. Whenever I brush, I get a sensation that they are even more wobbly, it makes me feel faint!

I think I just want them taken out, and follow the path of least resistance, which I guess is a partial denture, for the two implants and the two either side. Is there any other option? What would this involve?

Thank you so much for any help or advice you can offer, I really appreciate it.
I think I just want them taken out, and follow the path of least resistance, which I guess is a partial denture, for the two implants and the two either side. Is there any other option? What would this involve?
I know it sounds hard, but the first step is to find out what exactly is going on with your teeth, which means finding a dentist to have a look. Otherwise it's just guesswork from me.