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Infected or not?



Nov 6, 2022
London, England
So, I finally got back to the dentist, re: my sus second molar. I am pretty sure it had a bump that came and went but it's far back enough that I can't be sure. I have had antibiotics in the interim if that helps.

Anyway. I've been having pressure in the tooth so I got it looked at: the tooth has no filling, couldn't see any additional damage, tapping it was fine, he wiggled it, cold test I couldn't feel, but I can feel delayed cold and it doesn't linger*, no sensitivity otherwise. ETA: zero pain on biting. *I'm using sensodyne so I don't know if that affects the cold test. Molar next to it reacts similarly.

Xray didn't show any infection which was surprising as it has been a couple of months since this all started so you'd think it would be there by now.

He thinks my wisdom tooth is applying pressure and wants to remove it next week. My question is, is it the wisdom tooth or is the molar infected, but hiding it well? I don't want to remove the wisdom tooth if I need it later because the second molar needs to go.
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Seems a bit pointless trying to second guess somebody who has actually examined you and taken x-rays etc. So I'll say the chances are they're probably correct :-)
Seems a bit pointless trying to second guess somebody who has actually examined you and taken x-rays etc. So I'll say the chances are they're probably correct :-)

Thanks. Gordon. I think my question is can a tooth "fail" a cold test and still be vital? Everything kind of says no, so rather than taking out the wisdom tooth, shouldn't we be root canalling the molar? I'm going to ask when I go back but I wanted to hear your thoughts.
I think my question is can a tooth "fail" a cold test and still be vital?
Yes. The cold test is really not reliable at all. An electric pulp tester is better but nothing is totally foolproof.