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Intense pain. Root canal gone wrong?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Arthur_Dental
  • Start date Start date


Jan 12, 2006
Norfolk, (Not Virginia!), UK
I've just had my root canal done, a bit earlier than expected which should be good. Only now, if I so much as stroke the tooth, it's like having a bus drive into my face! I'm sure there must be some sort of complication. The dentist said there would be some pain and online help mentions 'mild sensitivity', but this is totally unbearable! I am on the full dose of Ibuprofen and CoCodamol, but this doesn't even touch it, is this normal? I would be happier to just have the tooth out, but my dentist refuses to do that and would only do it as a last resort. I've had enough of this now and just want an end to constantly increasing pain. If anyone can give me any hope, I would be very grateful.

Thanks, Arthur.
I am going through the same pain as yourself after having my tooth root filled on monday just gone. I have not slept or ate for 3 days, i went back to my dentist today and he has given me some antibiotics and very strong pain killers. I had an infection there right after he done the filling. I know how your feeling and there is no pain worse than this pain.

Get back to the dentist and he should do the same for you and mine done for me.

Good luck

hope you feel better very soon
As sk mentioned, with that intensity of pain, it's best to contact the dentist to see what they recommend as they know you and the tooth the best. Sometimes things can be quite sore after a root canal has been completed. I often think it's due to the fact that there are still bacteria in the bone, and as the root canal space has been filled, there is no room for pus and fluid to drain into so the build up of material in the bone and ligament area can result in a sensitive and achey tooth.

Often that pain subsides over time, but in certain cases I find further investigation, work, and or antibiotics may be in order especially with the chronic infections that have been present as they can be challenging to quell.
Thanks Kay & Zzz,

sorry I took so long to get back to you, but I have a very old computer and sometimes it gives up the ghost. Well now it's all better, (hope I am too!)

Well, either I'm all mended or up my own root canal without a paddle! I took your advice(s?) & went back to the dentist, he put me back on the metronidazole, only for 7 days this time instead of the 5 like before, ("I said there'd be a little pain") he said. Little like niagara falls little. Well now I've finished the antibio's and there is still some sensitivity, which is growing a bit bigger but is not pain yet. So I hope this 'subsides' like you say Zzz, or I may need a thing called an apicoectomy? [smiley=scared.gif] Is that how you spell it? Dentist man says 'aposectomy', so I suppose that's right. Or if not he will do an extraction.:o I think I'd rather go for the extraction, but as it's right in the front of my mouth, would I look a bit gappy? Would food get stuck in it etc, etc,? and don't even get me started on 'dry socket', I could write a book...etc. As for the nerves, well, the pain was so great, that the thought of getting it fixed somehow seemed to outweigh the fear. Yet I always breathe a deep sigh of relief when I leave there. It's easy to sound brave after the event! Though I always wish that I never had to go back, I'm such a coward. [smiley=ashamed.gif] I hope this is all over.
Well as long as it doesn't sound like "vasectomy" I think you should be okay. :whistle: I think your dentist has something else occupying his mind as he is talking about apicoectomies. I think there actually is a new term invented for them, but I can't remember it now.

It will depend if the pain continues and what the root causes (pardon the pun!) may be, but most endodontists prefer attempting conventional retreatment of the root canal first before jumping into an apicoectomy as it's more of an invasive procedure. Try giving it some more time and less worrying since that bridge hasn't quite arrived yet.
Sorry to hijack, but I'm about to have this done *gulp* and am wondering what painkillers (if any) it's normal to prescribe after root canal.

At the moment I'm fine having just finished a course or metronidazole, but when the infection was bad I was still in pain after taking over-the-counter painkillers (including some that had a small amount of codeine). I'm worried that if I do have this sort of pain again after treatment (as the OP has found) that they won't be enough so is it normal to prescribe somethign stronger just in case?
It will vary from dentist to dentist. I like to err on the more potent painkiller side just to be safe than sorry. Some just give ibuprofen or whatever they prefer for mild to moderate pain. You can always give them a call if you find that need something stronger or other advice to deal with any problems.