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Is an extraction of a broken root canaled molar complicated

  • Thread starter Thread starter banditsmom
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Jan 28, 2013
I have an upper molar (not wisdom tooth) that had a root canal about a month ago it broke off at the gum and can't be saved. The oral surgeon is doing it since my general dentist doesn't do extractions. My question for you professionals is is this a difficult and lengthy procedure? How do they get it out if it keeps breaking ? My consultation is wed. My plan is to take a Xanax before and use nitrous if needed( in addition to the local) I'm just starting to freak out. When I tell people I'm having a tooth pulled they are like it is horrible and you should go to sleep. I'm terrified to go to sleep. I want to be able to be relaxed but able to communicate.
A lot of people have teeth out including broken ones just with being numb, it is not as bad as your friends are telling you it is. You will be numb and if it breaks any more they will just lift out these pieces. I understand from what other people have written that to have had broken tooth out can be quite quick and it is painless.

Explain to the os that you are nervous and worried and they will be able to help you relax and get the root out.
It may not take any longer than any other tooth to get out. Everyone is different and teeth are different, but try not to worry too much.

Try and stay calm, I know this is hard to do but it will be okay. Let us know how you get on. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
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I have an upper molar (not wisdom tooth) that had a root canal about a month ago it broke off at the gum and can't be saved. The oral surgeon is doing it since my general dentist doesn't do extractions. My question for you professionals is is this a difficult and lengthy procedure? How do they get it out if it keeps breaking ? My consultation is wed. My plan is to take a Xanax before and use nitrous if needed( in addition to the local) I'm just starting to freak out. When I tell people I'm having a tooth pulled they are like it is horrible and you should go to sleep. I'm terrified to go to sleep. I want to be able to be relaxed but able to communicate.

There is no pain. Make sure whatever side of your mouth the tooth is on, that that side of your lip gets numb. If your lip is not semi numb, you are not numb enough. At least that is how I go by it. If you dont feel numb enough, ask for another shot. Wont feel anything the second time.

Its a breeze. Take the xanax, but I doubt you would need the nitrous.
Thanks guys. I have to stay of the internet except this site! I am getting myself so worked up and haven't even had the consultation yet! Ill tell you what the os says on wed
The oral surgeon will most likely have it out in a minute. It will take longer for the anesthetic to set in. :)
Your friends are just trying to scare you :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::hug5: