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Is dental anxiety worsened by inadequate insurance policies?



Dec 14, 2020
new york
Does anyone else here feel like they would worry less about their teeth if insurance covered teeth the same way it covers other body parts? I feel like being relieved of the overwhelming costs would greatly reduce anxiety.
I agree champ..
I know for me i have intense anxiety around the dentist but didn't say so because i thought i could handle it.. Get thru the wisdom tooth procedure without anything too drastic but no. It doesnt work that way. Tears overflowed.
Part of my unsettling emotions were around not having sedation covered and it would have been $500 extra. Also i have this tooth that needs a root canal and that isnt covered but extraction is. So guess which one ill spring for.
For me this is a mental, emotional, physical issue not something that is in and out by a cold, insensitive, low cost dentist. (Sorry for dentists, i am in pain and bitter atm) ...
If in general medical issues were treated more holistically how much could we improve as a society.
Also wasn't offered any pain killers besides tylenol/ibeprofun and all my friends say they got percs/ vicaden.
And while I appreciate the approach to lessen addictive substances, what is the alternative being offered to counter what use to be a solution?
Much love
One day hopefully things will be better
Dentistry being so expensive certainly doesn't help. I am always sorry to see people who don't even feel like doing the first step and getting an assessment, because they are worried about the finances. Not to speak about people who need treatment but can't afford it. I believe this problem is partly in every country, even those who offer free dental care to some extend, but in US, it seems to be so much more difficult.
My dental insurance covers more than my health insurance, but that doesn’t say much. The cost is a huge anxiety piece for me, but I am lucky enough to have some coverage (on certain procedures) up to $1500 yearly. That covers cleanings twice a year and half of extractions and x rays. My health insurance has a really high deductible before anything is covered so we pretty much pay out of pocket. ? I avoid going to the doctor unless it is life threatening at this point as I had a lot of medical expenses this past year.
In a word, YES. After paying over $4,000 out of pocket in the last month (that’s WITH dental insurance), I’m tapped out until January. Fortunately, the dentist gave me the thumbs up to hold off on a few things until my benefits refresh. It’s VERY stressful.
What an important discussion. I would like to emphasize the importance of conservative dentistry because this approach is suitable both to fear and the financial fronts.