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Is it getting better? Mixed feelings following 2nd treatment appt

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Well-known member
May 19, 2015
So I've now had deep clean part 2 and it went ok or at least I think it did, I've come away with mixed feelings this time which disappoints me after the euphoria of getting through part 1.
I've had all of the bottom set done and part of the top. The dentist agreed to leave one area till later as I said I would be more nervous of that area getting treatment due to what happened in the past I'm pleased I was able to say something to him and that he was ok with what I said, I'm hoping this is a sign of trust developing as I now feel like I would let him treat the remaining area after this last appointment. All the same my legs felt like jelly when I walked to the treatment room and I could barely manage to make small talk with him about the weather as my brain was racing away with other things and this disappointed me as I'm not where I want to be yet. Again there was no pain but the chair was further back this time and I was more aware of someone leaning over me which was difficult but didn't trigger any flashbacks and I again got plenty breathers but this time I had to sit up fully for the breather breaks as I felt I was getting too anxious and I've woken up this morning to find bruises all over my forearm where I had been digging my fingernails in to try to keep me in the "here and now" which makes me feel disappointed. I also felt really tearful and absolutely exhausted when I arrived home which is so weird as last time I was on top of the world and feeling invincible although I feel better this morning, particularly when I finally got around to having a good look at my teeth and oh boy what a difference, they are far from being pearly white but they don't have any black bits on them and look generally healthier and this is really good, I feel like I won't have to laugh with my hand in front of my face anymore. I also feel like I want to do something about the chipped tooth which is good as before I felt I had to do something due to the promise I made my Grandad but now I actually want to say "fix this please" because I want to do it not because I said I would and I think this is progress but it's so hard to tell as I feel it's all a jumble of good and bad right now.
It can be disheartening when you don't progress as fast as you want to, but any progress is better than no progress! It sounds to me like you've made a lot of developments and you've had positive outcomes for your teeth already, so celebrate that!

Now that you know you can communicate with the dentist, and that he will listen, further appointments should be a bit easier. Being able to have control over the situation can really help. Going to the dentist as a phobic can be an emotionally exhausting experience, but the main thing is that you communicated with the dentist, you got through the appointment, and you're hopeful about getting more treatment done. That sounds like a win to me. :jump:
Hi, I recognise a lot of those feelings! You're doing great, you really are, I promise.

I certainly relate to that confusing jumble of feelings after an appointment, sometimes you can get so worked up that it's hard to work out exactly how you feel, and there will always be good and bad in there.

These things take time, you are doing so well - give yourself a break! Over time you will look back and see just how far you've come.
Thank you Sevena & Tink, you are both right - I should not lose sight of the progress made. I guess I was just so thrown by the different reaction the second time. I went there feeling positive and was quite taken aback to find myself exhausted and tearful when I came out as opposed to feeling invincible after the first treatment. I think perhaps the fact that I had foregone the valium for the second visit may have had something to do with it too as I would have had quite a bit of adrenaline running through me the second time whereas the edge would have been taken off it with valium the first time.

Thank you both for helping me see sense and for not feeling daft - it is much easier to figure things out when you have someone that can relate to how you feel.

Feeling better about it all now and ready to push onwards