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Is it possible to switch dentists and decline “new patient X-rays”?

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2012
Hey all,

Long time poster who got back into the swing of going to the dentist in 2019 after a 17 year absence. My current dentist is fine, but I recently switched jobs. I should have done more research but didn’t find out until after I got the bill that this dentist was no longer in network.

That appointment I had X-rays done (which are only covered once a year by insurance). Would any new office take me and just do a cleaning and visual exam in July if I brought my X-rays from January? Is that a weird thing to ask? It would actually be cheaper if I went back to my original dentist one more time if I had to get X-rays at the new place, but I’m pretty upset they neglected to inform me they didn’t take my insurance.

Anyway, I’m pretty awkward and super nervous when it comes to dental offices, so I was just wondering if it’s possible to schedule an appointment at a new place and decline X-rays? Or is that just a normal part of a new patient thing I can’t get around?

Also, I believe the gum health check is only covered once a year and that was done in January too. I have my records from that as well and don’t want to be forced to do it again. 😭
@thisisme you're the customer, you decide what they do and don't do. They cannot force anything on you. Be clear with them about what you can and cannot afford, what your insurance does and doesn't include.
100% agree with Mum of boys.. This is me. You are the boss and tell them. You can politely tell them what you will do and want to do. and ok to say. No thanks I really don't want the xrays.. sometimes, offices will want their own and not want to go by others depending on how they took them , angles , etc, maybe they may have a specific reason after looking at you and the other xrays, that can sometimes be reasonable. but most will consider your request reasonable I would think. You can also say its financial consideration. and they should understand that . Its totally up to you and if they make a deal about it. might be a sign if they don't want to respect your boundaries. Hope they understand .
Thank you both! Maybe there’s an email form where I can ask first before I try to call and schedule. 😬 This is the office I wanted to try a few years ago, but my insurance (at that time) didn’t cover them.
If they are a good dentist they won’t even ask to do new ones if you request that your newest X-rays be sent. My current dentist told me at the first appointment that my X-rays from my previous dentist were just fine and I didn’t need more until the following year. I called and requested my records be sent prior to my appointment so they were able to pull them up at the appointment.
If they are a good dentist they won’t even ask to do new ones if you request that your newest X-rays be sent. My current dentist told me at the first appointment that my X-rays from my previous dentist were just fine and I didn’t need more until the following year. I called and requested my records be sent prior to my appointment so they were able to pull them up at the appointment.
Thanks, @MountainMama. I just feel like all of these places are trying to make as much money as possible. I had all my X-rays and the gum check scores for the last few years sent to me (including the January appointment) so I can forward those onto them. No need to be poking my gums twice a year. 😆 Going to a new place is stressful enough, and I don’t want to be subjected and forced into unnecessary tests/work just because it’s the first time there.
Thanks, @MountainMama. I just feel like all of these places are trying to make as much money as possible. I had all my X-rays and the gum check scores for the last few years sent to me (including the January appointment) so I can forward those onto them. No need to be poking my gums twice a year. 😆 Going to a new place is stressful enough, and I don’t want to be subjected and forced into unnecessary tests/work just because it’s the first time there.
Completely understandable! I was impressed that my dentist said we didn’t need to take more. He is very conservative and even only does routine x rays every two years instead of yearly.
Completely understandable! I was impressed that my dentist said we didn’t need to take more. He is very conservative and even only does routine x rays every two years instead of yearly.
That’s great! My ortho is super conservative. Almost tooooo conservative. 😆 I WISH I could find a dentist half as conservative as him. I feel like most dentists are on the more aggressive side, though. It’s hard because my current dentist really hasn’t forced me to do anything about my wisdom tooth situation and it just makes me so nervous what other places will say. But it’s still super shady they didn’t let me know about my insurance, even though they had my card BEFORE the appointment.
You can also ask the new office if they can do the transfer of x-rays in advance. We asked the transfer while I was seeing a specialist and sometimes it ends up taking a bit of time for them to receive the x-rays.

In my case I was seeing a specialist, so probably less of an issue for general dentists, but sometimes they are looking for something specific that might not have been captured in the other office's x-rays. In my case, most of the transferred x-rays were good for him, but he wanted a newer panoramic x-ray. At least it was just 1 x-ray they had to do.