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IV versus inhalation sedation

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Junior member
Mar 21, 2010
I am due to have a root canal filling tomorrow - am very scared and so have been referred to the hospital dentist. they suggested iv sedation which at the time i agreed too because i was crying and not thinking straight because of being in a dentists surgery - but i am also very scared of needles so am worried about the needle in my hand - arrrghh it makes me cringe thinking about it. i want to know what the benefits of iv sedation are above inhalation sedation. i have read that inhalation sedation with nitrous oxide isn't as strong as iv sedation, does anyone know if this is true?

would appreciate a fast reply as my appointment is 10am tomorrow- replacing someone who cancelled - so last minute panicking!

i think this website is amazing, so many lovely and encouraging people! :)
Hi and [smiley=welcome.gif]

I have never had inhaled sedation, so cant offer opinion on that. I did have IV Sedation just over 4 weeks ago and had 23 teeth extracted and all I can say is FANTASTIC. I was absolutely petrified. Hardly felt the needle go in my hand, was a tiny scratch, I felt the cold stuff, next thing it was all over, didn't hear, feel or know anything about it. For me it is the only way to go. Hope that helps a little.
You could ask for the numbing gel before they put needle in your hand, that will help even more.
Good luck and update us how you get on

I've had both and found them both to be fantastic. I had inhalation for fillings and it really helped me to relax and not think so much. There is no preparation required and no real after effects. I also had IV for getting three wisdom teeth out and I don't remember a thing, so it was fantastic. I had to fast for six hours beforehand for IV and I felt a bit tired afterwards for about 24 hours, but it was worth it not to remember ANYTHING. I didn't feel sick or get a headache from it though, so the side effects were really quite minimal. It all comes down to personal choice for what you feel will work best for you and your treatment.
Hi wimpygirl

I haven't had inhalation for years (about 40) but I had iv recently and I agree with scaredjulie and jessicab, it was fantastic!

I don't mind needles but didn't look anyway, I barely felt it and was asleep in seconds, woke up hours later feeling like it was minutes and it was all over.

You will be fine, remember there is nothing to fear but fear itself ......

Thanks for your replies - very helpful however unfortunately my trip to the dentist didn't go well, I freaked out and couldn't do it :(

Firstly because I was expecting magic cream before the sedative injection (I'm terrified of injections) as when I went in December for them to decide what to do the dentist said I could have it. But today they said it wasn't on my notes and I couldn't have it. Secondly because I'd been told the sedative thing would be in my hand but today they wanted to do it in the inside of my elbow. Then on top of that they said that I would have to have a bit done today and then come back twice more!!! Which was not what I was expecting. Also they only had a 20 minute slot to get me done in so it was all rushed (not their fault, i understand they have quotas to fill but didn't help me feel any calmer!) So I panicked and wouldn't let the anesthetist even get the sedative in me.

Feeling so upset and frustrated and disappointed in myself :( I've made an appointment with the Drs to see if I can get some sort of counselling or therapy because this irrational fear is affecting me too much now. Am also hoping to make another appointment with the hospital dentist and make sure they know i want magic cream next time - but they said i had to go to the therapy first, think they were a bit annoyed with me wasting their time
today, they said that session today was costing the hospital £300-400 :/

I wonder if they could give me inhalation sedation - or an oral sedative although I know that's not as effective or reliable

All in all it didn't go very well *:'(
I freaked out and couldn't do it :(

Firstly because I was expecting magic cream before the sedative injection (I'm terrified of injections) as when I went in December for them to decide what to do the dentist said I could have it. But today they said it wasn't on my notes and I couldn't have it. Secondly because I'd been told the sedative thing would be in my hand but today they wanted to do it in the inside of my elbow. Then on top of that they said that I would have to have a bit done today and then come back twice more!!! Which was not what I was expecting. Also they only had a 20 minute slot to get me done in so it was all rushed (not their fault, i understand they have quotas to fill but didn't help me feel any calmer!) So I panicked and wouldn't let the anesthetist even get the sedative in me.

Feeling so upset and frustrated and disappointed in myself :( I've made an appointment with the Drs to see if I can get some sort of counselling or therapy because this irrational fear is affecting me too much now. Am also hoping to make another appointment with the hospital dentist and make sure they know i want magic cream next time - but they said i had to go to the therapy first, think they were a bit annoyed with me wasting their time
today, they said that session today was costing the hospital £300-400 :/

I wonder if they could give me inhalation sedation - or an oral sedative although I know that's not as effective or reliable

All in all it didn't go very well *:'(

IV is a wonderful thing and has pushed back the boundries for 'dentistry for the terrified' no end and has done wonders to help people get the treatment they need in a safe controlled manner. I know - I am one of them.

But it seems IV sedation can and has gone hideously wrong for some people, not just in the way it was done, but in the manner it is given. It seems that those who dispense IV can totally forget why people need it.

I can't see any reason why you could not be given gel on the hand if you wanted it. Needles are a large part of phobias and that is why some people need IV. This to me seems rather thoughtless (unless there was a technical reason behind this) not to give gel.

I had my IV in my hand and personally wouldn't have minded it in the elbow - that does not bother me, but I can understand those who were expecting one thing and suddenly having something sprung on them. The entire procedure should have been explained in a positive calm fashion so there are no surprises. In a state of terror and panic, you don't need unexpected 'nasty' surprises and that alone can freak anyone out. Then there is this rushed and 'conveyor belt' dentistry which helps no one and only adds to the experience.

And to top it off, its that feeling that you have made everyone 'cross' and annoyed by your phobia getting the better of you (by no fault of your own) and the suggestion of getting therapy. Maybe they are right, but my feeling is if it had been all done correctly, you would have had your IV, dental work done and over with and gained a bit of confidence for next time. So the fault is theirs and not yours.

I can't comment on Inhalation Sedation, I would really like to give it a try, but IV is wonderful stuff and I hope you manage to get the treatment you need in the correct unhurried and professional manner - which is what you deserve.
