Thanks for the support guys, it does help me to feel good about getting through each session.
Anyway, I'm back from a great holiday, the weather was a bit on the cool side some days, but got to see some of the locations where Star Wars was filmed so that pleased the geek in me, lol. One thing that was nice though was not worring about pain in my teeth every time I ate or feeling embassased over the staining of my teeth when talking to strangers, the recient work at the dentists has improved my life more than I could have imagined. A few months ago I couldn't imagine getting my teeth fixed, but I'm so glad I have started the process of beating this phobia, the diference to my outlook on life is huge.
I'm back from another trip to the dentist this morning, I've had another LA to fill the top, right wisdom tooth. She said that she wasn't sure how much work the tooth needed, if the decay wasn't too far gone then it would just be filled, but if it was too bad then she would put a temp filling in there until we can work out how to deal with it. Remember I would only allow a visual exam at the start so I expect this, once I'm numb she is free to poke around the tooth properly. I accept this isn't the ideal way to do things but I really can't cope with the metal pick thing.
Once again the dentist used the numbing gel first on the gum then gave me the LA. It seemed to take a while to do but I didn't feel a thing. I told her that I found it really good last time to feel with a finger the numb area before she started work, just to reasure me that I wasn't able to feel. So after a few minutes she asked me to check how I was doing, well I tried but it still felt my finger, she said I was feeling the wrong place and touched the right area with her finger, once again she was right, I couldn't feel her touching me, I am believing her more and more. To double check I was OK she just touched the drill to my tooth for a breif second at the start of the work, then stopped to see if I felt it, of course I didn't feel it at all.
She asked me to hold my mouth and head at a slight angle to help her as the tooth was right at the back and access was tight. This was done before she started work, it helped to know how she wanted me to be, rather than just push my mouth around like I've had in the past. This is teamwork in my mind, I'm helping her to help me.
There was a lot more noise in my head this time but I guess thats because she was working a lot closer to my ear. I did feel a twinge at one point but it felt warm not a pain, certainly not enough to ask her to stop. She did stop three times though to let me relax my mouth during the process and didn't restart until I was ready again. I took these breaks to calm my breathing down which helped me.
When she had finished preparing the tooth she asked if I wanted to feel it with my tounge, I laughed and told her that I know what a hole in a tooth felt like, so she was OK to just fill it up again.
Filling was done OK, no blue light this time but I was told it would take about 30 minutes to fully harden, so not to eat or have hot drinks during that time. She didn't say it was a temporary filling so I believe its a done job, she certainly didn't say there was any more work to do on that tooth, but I will check next week.
That was it, another one done!
As I don't have any more open holes its time to start fixing up the temporary covered up teeth properly. I'm back next week to have two fillings on the lower right front teeth.
I left there today with very little of my mouth numb, my cheek ached a bit where she held it back to get access, but other than that no pain. I was expecting a lot of my mouth and face to feel numb today, but its been fine.
As I came out of the treatment room I bumped into my therapist, Bobby. I had time to thank her properly for getting me to a stage where I'm getting treatment, it was all a bit rushed at the end of therapy and although I sent her a thank-you card, it didn't seem enough for the change in my life that she enabled me to make.
I did have one slight downer today,
while the dentist was filling in my chart on her PC I saw a list of treatments. Now I don't know if they are a general list or a list of work that she has planned for me, but I saw extraction on the list and that scares me, in fact I'm shaking writing this. I really don't want sedation during my treatment, I want to feel in control and be aware but I don't know how I'm going to cope with an extraction. In my heart I know that was a list of my personal treatments needed, but I so want to believe its not. I am growing in confidence with this dentist, she is working with me, a few times since my last appointment I've wondered just how hard it would be to get the retained root out, perhaps I will be able to cope after the rest of the work is done, I do trust her, so far she has told me what to expect and has been spot-on correct every time, she also has been correct about the LA working and even manages to administer that without any pain. I'm going to try and not worry about it though until I know for sure, I still have a lot of things to be put right first, baby steps will get me there though.