Thanks again for the support folks, it really does help, I'm glad to say I'm in a much happier state now.
Went to the dentist this morning by myself, I was 'only' having two fillings today and as I seem to be coping with them OK I decided that I wanted them done sooner, rather than wait three weeks for an appointment where my wife could come with me. I sat in the waiting room by myself and was a lot more nervous than I have been is the past few visits, but this was because I wanted to know what else was in store for me, not what I was having done today, fear of the unknown was feeding my phobia with all sorts of scarey stories. In fact I have hardly slept the past two nights. It didn't help that the dentist was running a bit late with the previous paitent so I had to wait well past my slot either.
Finally I went in and said that I hadn't had a good week due to what she said the week before about taking a tooth out. I explained that I was fine with the root being removed, I could see no reason for keeping that in there any longer, but I didn't understand the need for other extractions. Well she went through all my teeth that are left to do, explaining what each one needed and what the options were. She also said that as there was no other infections the need to remove them wasn't urgent, with the exception of the rear molar that had the original abcess that started me off.
The reason that there can be no long-term solution on some teeth is that there is decay below the gumline, so any repair will not have anything solid to hold onto. Now I understand a bit more I can start to come to terms with this. After all the time I ignored my teeth I was expecting to loose a lot more anyway, now I know why some can be saved and some have to go, I'm able to get my head around it better. So far she has rebuilt a couple of teeth that I though were too far gone and yet she wanted to remove a tooth that didn't look too bad to me. I have full height on each tooth against my tounge so it wasn't making sense to me why some were worse than others, they all feel the same to my tounge.
I also found out that the top rear leftside tooth needs a filling too, this sadens me a bit as it wasn't as comfortable having the opposite one on the right filled, compared to the front teeth being done. I know its only the noise in my head that makes it worse though so I will be able to get through it when I need to.
Looking at my x-ray she showed me the teeth that need to come out. The one on the top with a big temporary filling needs to come out as there isn't enough of a tooth left, the one under this is the infected tooth, so that is a biting pair to come out. The one on the other side at the bottom with a hole has decayed below the gumline so there is no way of doing anything that will last longterm, thats number three out. The only other one is the root, making a total of four extractions. I was worried about leaving a single tooth on the bottom rear left with no tooth beside it to support it, but she says that its not gettting support now so will be fine. We can look into crowning it later if I want to.
Feeling happier its time to get on with todays fillings, so I get in the chair. The shaking jaw that I get really bothers me and ask if she will stop for just a few seconds for me to get it under control when it happens. She offers me a bite-block but I decline in horror, I had that as a child on so many occasions, too much of a flashback. I also ask her hot to try and hold my jaw as that will get me panicing too, just stop for about 10 seconds to allow me to stop it myself. She agrees that if I want to stop for a shaking jaw then thats fine.
The LA injections are totally painless again, I feel nothing at all. Very soon she starts work on todays two teeth. Somehow I manage to 'zone out' for most of the time, its only when she changes to a different drill that I realise that she is almost ready to fill them back up again. What?
How did that happen? I'm in shock that I could be worked on without being super aware of what was happening. Strangely the shaking jaw didn't happen once, after all that fuss I made over it.
After finishing on todays fillings, more blue light. She then takes a look at the temporary filling in the top tooth for me, as I said earlier that it feels like a mint imperial in there, plus its a bit rough on the inside of my cheek. This only takes her a minuite or so to polish into a much more pleasing shape and now feels much better, even if the taste of cloves is back again.
I wanted to know if the infection from the abscess was likely to look worse in the x-ray that it is now, afterall that x-ray was taken right after the abscess was active, surely it could be much better now, (me grasping at straws). She told me that although it was low-level at the moment that it was still there and activly draining through a small hole in my gum. She tole me to look in a mirror and I would be able to see this. This has made it much easier to accept the tooth comming out, especially if I can SEE something that is wrong.
She offered me sedation for the extractions if I wanted to, but that is too much a backwards step to my childhood extraction experiences for me, I'm determined that I'm going to do this awake and aware. There are so many positive experiences on here of extractions that you can't all be telling fibs. To get through an extraction will really put my fears to rest, that test will be in three weeks time when the retained root comes out, I'm very tempted to ask her to get rid of the infected tooth at the same time while that side is numb, or at least give me the option of doing it straight afterwards as I now want it gone.
That was it, done. I got through an appointment by myself! OK, the next one is an extraction (or two) and I definatly won't be on my own, but I am so proud of myself at the moment.