• Dental Phobia Support

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I've been mistreated and humiliated (Help!)



Junior member
Sep 17, 2009
* Please don't read this thread if you are too nervous and scared to read other people's bad experiences. Some parts are graphic so please use caution. Forgive me for the long story but I want you to understand my situation better. Please bear with me!
Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum, but wanted to share my dental phobia story and my recent dental experiences.

I am almost 30 yrs old and an elementary school teacher. I am very brave when it comes to almost anything except dental/medical things. I am absolutely terrified of having any dental or medical procedures done to me because I fear pain and the loss of control. The thought of someone inflicting pain on me scares me. I usually have a really bad panic attack everytime I walk into a hospital or dentist's office. If I see any instruments I freak out.

People think that I am a wimp for being scared of procedures, but yet I have such a tolerance for pain that I would rather suffer on my own than at someone else's hands.

My phobia started when I was a child in the formet Soviet Union. I came to the US when I was 10. Back then no anesthetic/novocaine was used for any dental treatment. I feel that medicine was barbaric in many ways. Now things are really different over there.

When I was 6 I had my tonsils removed while I was awake and strapped down to a chair. My eyes were covered with this white thing but I could still see through the cracks in my cheeks. I was absolutely terrified when they were shoving things in my mouth and cutting things out. I was also in great shock and pain when they pulled my adenoids out. I have never felt normal again.

I had really poor teeth so I had to have dental work done. The doctors tried to pull my teeth and drill them without any novocaine. The pain was inhumane. I would scream and try to run away from the dentist. No one could ever get me to sit long enought to have work done so my teeth remained in horrible shape.

When I was 12 and we were in the US, I finally had my first dental work done with novocaine. I was very scared and was shaking but I was assured that I will feel no pain. I was shocked that there was no pain except the needle.

I did have more dental work done without too much pain, but I was always terrified and had panick attacks every time. I had 2 root canals done shortly but the dentist didn't explain anything to me and was very cold and uncaring towards my crying from fear.

The last time I had work done when I was 17 by another not so great dentist. He drilled a huge hole and put a filling in a molar that fell out a year later. An abscess developed in that tooth since I was 20.

Even though I had a painful abscess I did not got to the dentist for about 12 years since my parents couldn't make me any more. I treated it myself with pain relief gel and colloidal silver to kill the infection. It would keep coming back throughout my twenties every time I was a little run down.

Since then my anxiety about dental/medical started getting worse and I got depressed. I turned to food and gained a lot of weight because of it.

Within the past year I decided to change my life, health and face my fears. I made lifestyle changes with my diet and exercising. I also decided this august to finally face my dental fear and get my teeth fixed. I know how dental health is important to overall health. I have been having jaw and tooth pain for last few years that has been increasing. I knew I had to deal with this now.

I researched hard, and found a wonderful cutting edge dentist who is very supportive about dental fear. He is 45 min away from where I live but it was worth the drive. I explained my fears to him and he took the time to have a consultation with me and examine my mouth and give me a diagnosis. I was also scared of the condition my teeth were in and embarrassed. He told me I need 11 cavities filled, 1 root canal, and 1 abscessed tooth extracted. Since Some of my chewing molars were in horrible shape, he thought they should be worked on first. They had like 4 cavities in one tooth. I was somehow brave enought to let him work on 6 teeth throughout August because he gives me short breaks and is very reassuring. He made me feel in control. I am always shaking and anxious anyways because it takes time to build trust.

After all that dental work my jaw pain got really severe and the dentist thought I should have my wisdom teeth removed because they were putting pressure on my jaw and teeth. My jaw pain would radiate to my ear and I could not open my mouth easily or eat/talk. I had to miss weeks of work due to excruciating pain. Because of this I needed emergency wisdom tooth extraction.

The doctor they recommended is on vacation for a long time so they had to call whoever would take me.

So I went to see this oral surgeon for a consultation and he seemed nice at first but cold and slightly impatient with my questions. I was really scared to have my impacted teeth out at my age with such high risks. I decided to have IV sedation and get it over with if it would help my pain.

The day of surgery they were running an hour and a half late so I was waiting very anxiously with my husband in the waiting room. By the time I went in I had not eaten for 17 hours and felt dizzy and scared. I asked him if my husband could stay with me until the IV and he seemed annoyed and said that he does not want to be watched and my husband has to out of there soon.

I was relatively calm but told the surgeon that I was nervous. He seemed in a rushed bad mood and snapped at me saying "Look, you need to except what is going to happen here and take some deep breaths." At that point he sighed and walked out of the room for about 20 minutes while I was sitting wrapped up in the chair. My husband and I were both individually thinking that he did not seem to treat me well but we didn't say anything.

When he finally came in and was about to put and IV in he asked my my weight in front of everyone which humiliated me and I thought was odd. Shouldn't he have asked me to write that down somewhere instead? Then I mentioned to him that I usually have an IV put in the hand because no one could ever get a vein. He snapped at me again and said that "I could see a few good veins and I know what I'm doing". He did wind up doing it through my hand. After the surgery he did not check on me or even show up in the room. The nurse that was there was the only one comforting me and was very nice.I was told that they had to stop and not remove the abscessed tooth because I bled too much and they had to pump me with sugar water because my blood sugar went too low. I was told that the abscessed tooth would have to come out another time.

I did fine the first 2 days and managed to take the pain, but on the third day all hell broke loose. I was in excruciating pain and was shaking and asking my husband to shoot me. I was sobbing uncontrollably from the misery. My jaw felt like it was being shattered and my ears hurt. I could not lie down comfortably or sleep. My face swelled and my abscess did also and started to hurt.

I had my husband call him about the pain, and the doctor told him that I was "reactionary" throughout this whole process and I should concentrate on something else besides the pain. My husband thought the doctor thought it was in my head.

The next day I called and asked to be seen and evaluated for my pain. My husband came with me and sat in a chair. The doctor came in, looked at my mouth and said I have 2 dry sockets on bottom jaw. This was my worst nightmare because I read about how awful they could be and tried carefully to avoid them.

He never explained anything about dry sockets to me before or after the surgery so I researched it myself. He then said he was going to treat the dry socket and did not tell me what that was. First he rinsed them with water and was about to put these pieces of gauze in brown liquid.

I was nervous and asked him what he was doind and if it will hurt. He did not say anything. I asked for some novocaine and he said we don't do that for dry socket. I asked him again if it will hurt and he said "oh yeah" and before letting me think about it jammed metal tweezers and scraped something bloody out then shoved in the gauze.

I screamed so hard the whole country heard me. It was so excruciating especially on my deep impact side. My hand came up as a reflex and he out right yelled at me "don't grab my arm" and "put your hand down ". I usually put my hand up for my dentist if I feel pain.

My heart rate went so fast that I could not breathe and they had to put me on oxygen. The doctor walked out, and my husband looked like he would cry and his face and eyes were red. He could not believe what just happend. He is also a teacher and tends to keep his feelings to himself.

The doctor coldly walked out coldly and my husband who could not take this anymore expressed his anger to the nurses. He said "does he always treat his patients this way? Why did he yell at her like that? Why did he not ask me to hold her hand? If we did not need treatment we would never come back again"

I was so humuliated I sobbed in the bathroom and did not want anyone to see me. Before they left they said I would have to come back in 4 days to do it again.

Since then I have had horrible nightmares and wake up screaming several time a night about this and have panic attacks just thinking about it. I feel so humiliated and treated like a piece of dirt. He never once comforted me or even said my name. Because of him I am too scared to come back for treatment tomorrow even though I am in horrible pain and may have an infection. I don't know if I can ever trust him again. Now I have some kind of foul liquid oozing out of my top holes and worry that I have an infection even though im on amoxicillin. The thought of anyone touching my painful spots is giving me the chills.

I worked so hard to get over my fear and now I feel like Im back at square one. I am sooo terrified about going back tomorrow I am sick.

Please all of you folks if you have any advice for me or can tell me if the treatment I got was 'normal'? Am I just a big wimp or was I treated with disrespect?

I am so scared!

Please help!
You're not a wimp. Anyone would be scared after what you've been through. You are incredibly brave in fact. You have experienced very awful things which should never have happened. Luckily not all dentists are like that. Welcome to this forum. I hope you'll overcome your very reasonable fear here and find a good and caring dentist.
So sorry to hear of your recent misfortune and setback after such a long history of abusive dental treatment in the former Soviet Union:XXLhug:.
We get a lot of bad reports about uncaring cold oral surgeons:devilish: in the USA...you need to go to a different one for your remaining aftercare:cloud9: and possibly lodge a complaint with the authorities about this one. Nice ones do exist too but you clearly haven't found one...the way you are being treated here is totally wrong:mad:.

Your normal dentist could probably treat the dry socket for you instead especially since he knows the extent of your fear. He could also maybe use his influence to get you mpore quickly to someone else with a better reputation if necessary.
I am not sure if LA would normally be given to pack a dry socket...it should certainly be possible to do sth though such as nitrous for instance...again your usual dentist (who you like) may have this option. You can ask on the Dentistry Section what the norm would be?

Have I understood correctly that the tooth/teeth still hasn't/haven't been removed because of the bleeding problem during surgery?
Best wishes - you really do deserve better than you got so far :grouphug: