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I've finally done it

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Junior member
Mar 25, 2010
After 11 years of being petrified of the dentist I did it! My teeth were in a very bad condition, I have to have 15 removed in the next month, I went and had my first 4 out yesterday...I have to admit I was scared out of my wits and it was uncomfortable...but I did it :) My Nan gave me a necklace after as a sign of bravery. Now I will wear it to every appointment to prove to myself that I can do it, I am brave enough! Just had to tell everybody :) [smiley=cloud9.gif]
Good for you!!! Wear that necklace proudly!! Awesome job!!:respect:
Well done you [smiley=jumping.gif]:respect: You must feel so proud of yourself :D
Well done[smiley=jumping.gif] sounds like you are going to be able to get through your treatment. Just remember the necklace and it will remind you that you can manage it.