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jaw pain - rooth canal done many years ago



Junior member
Oct 7, 2012
I started having pain and pressure-like feeling in the jaw/gams on the tooth I had rooth canal done many, many years ago. I have a crown on that tooth too and this is the first time I'm experiencing this. I am not in a lot of pain but I feel the pressure constantly since yesterday afternoon.
Getting very worried - not having a dental insurance doesn't make it comforting :cry:
Please help
Hi :welcome: to the forum. I don't have an answer for you, I am sure one of the dentists may have an idea when they come on. I just wanted to give you a response so you don't think people aren't reading your thread.

I hope you can manage to get to see a dentist at some point so they can tell you what the problem might be.
It is difficult to answer. The best thing for you is to see a dentist and let him/her do an x-ray.
If the source of the pain is infection from a tooth, than it should be also sensitive when chewing on it.