• Dental Phobia Support

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Journal 141

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Junior member
Sep 6, 2024
I guess I'll document my attempt to overcome my fears.

The pain in two of my front teeth started Wednesday. Gone Thursday morning, coming and going ever since. Had a panic attack in class Thursday evening (learning remotely, thankfully) when it intensified to an extent that I knew I couldn't just ignore. I spent the rest of the class period reading through DFC, trying to convince myself to bite the bullet and schedule an appointment. Worked up the courage to try today, and... as luck would have it, my dentist is only in Monday - Thursday so I got the answering machine. 😅 I'm honestly not convinced I won't chicken out over the weekend before I ever get a chance to call.

I feel that I'm likely to lose my front teeth, if not now then eventually. For context, they're all crowns. When I was a kid I broke the very front two on some concrete. Had crowns put on. Had my first abscess (in one of the adjacent teeth) at 16, but my parents were always quite dismissive of my health concerns. It took a lot of convincing (begging) to get them to take me to the dentist once, then after the antibiotics they never took me back for the root canal my dentist planned on doing. I think the association with my parents is another contributing factor in my dental anxiety. There was another time when my mom picked me up from school and drove me to the dentist, screaming at me the whole way. Dentistry and trauma go hand in hand to my C-PTSD brain.

But I digress, badly. Eventually, years later, I went back for the root canal and it was fine. At some point between then and now I had another dentist give me two root canals whose numbing shots were, by far, some of the most painful experiences of my life. I'm not afraid of needles, generally. Growing up I was terrified of shots, but was never afraid of them at the dentist because I barely even felt that dentist's shots, to the point that I didn't realize they could hurt, including during that first root canal. Dentist #2's shots were agonizing, though, and for some reason (I don't remember), these two root canals took three appointments. Terrified before each and every one, visibly in pain so badly that it made my body kinda flail involuntarily during the shots and she never acknowledged it. Maybe that's SOP, I don't know. I just know it dimmed my view of dentists and I avoided going for years after that, until eventually I had a cavity so bad I gave in and went to a new dentist, my current one. Horrible anxiety, but the shot didn't hurt there, and my appointments with her have been fine ever since.

So anyway, I eventually had to get root canals on all four front teeth and that's why they're all crowns. Also had to get one on the right canine but they didn't put a crown on, just left a post(?) in it or something like that. I'm not completely clear on the details, we were doing CareCredit and they only approved enough credit for four crowns iirc. Eventually the abscess in it came back with a vengeance and I was given an unsuccessful apicoectomy. Just kinda living with it ever since, out of pain at least.

I probably should get it extracted already but that is my biggest fear in the world. I've heard really bad things about the numbing process for an extraction.

For a long time, I was also afraid for vanity reasons as I struggle with my self esteem really badly already so the idea of a visible missing tooth put the fear of God into me. Crowns also don't last forever, of course, and I won't be able to afford them in the future so eventually I'll have no front teeth to speak of, especially since I'm bulimic :'). It's been a major source of anxiety and reason I skipped my latest cleaning, afraid to be told they wanted to take my teeth.

I'm not so afraid for my appearance anymore, for whatever reason. I'm turning 30 in 9 days so maybe I've stopped caring as much in my advanced age. However I'm still terrified of extractions. It's so irrational that I've even thought about intentionally trying to make all my teeth worse so I could have a full clearance under anesthesia rather than a simple extraction. It's absolutely unhinged.

All this to say, this is what I'm contending with & trying to overcome in order to call and make that appointment on Monday. Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it.
Have been in so much pain all weekend. TT I'm managing with pain meds, but they make me sick, especially since these teeth are preventing me from eating.

Definitely can't back out now. I'm gonna try to get an emergency appointment tomorrow.

I'm still afraid. I'm afraid they won't be able to find the problem, I'm afraid they won't help me, I'm afraid that it's the Big C.
Today's update: still didn't make it to the dentist. My face has swollen up so much that I bear a striking resemblance to Donkey Kong and it freaked my family out a bit so we just went to the PCP today. Got antibiotics and ibuprofen.

I said I'd schedule a dentist appointment but I don't know. I'm still so scared of getting a tooth pulled and I'm pretty sure that's all they can really do about this one now.
Two days later. Swelling in my face has gone down, not completely but considerably. Pocket is still quite large, though nothing like the behemoth it was on Tuesday. The temptation to pop it is always present, but I'm behaving myself since I'm not in pain even before ibuprofren doses. I'm guessing that's because this is a crown & already had a root canal on this tooth? But then again I wasn't expecting to get an abscess on it years later so aware I really know nothing about this.

Scrambled to do a week's worth of homework in time for class today. Still haven't made a dentist appointment. Mostly fear of extractions, also partially embarrassment now. Will have to wait until Monday to do it, I suppose, since my dentist isn't in on Fridays as I learned last week. Was that really only a week ago? I feel like I've aged ten years since Saturday.

I should take better care of my teeth. Mental illness makes it so difficult and at this point it feels like a lost cause. Especially since I'll be losing a front tooth if I go through with the extraction so I'll be too insecure to leave the house for the foreseeable future anyway. Family member keeps talking about getting a bridge but I don't know. I feel like I could end up losing more teeth than she's anticipating, since I don't think most of #6 - #11 are in good shape. Maybe even more. I don't know.
Day 5 of antibiotics and the pocket has gone down a lot, my face is back to normal.

I still don't know if I'll be brave enough to go to the dentist or get an extraction, but I'm very thankful for this site. I would be freaking out and spiraling right now if not for the information and people here.
I'm back. Symptoms have resolved, though of course I know that's only temporary. Sadly I'm not doing so well mentally. I haven't made a dentist appointment. I'm too scared of an extraction. I'm mostly not at all scared of the regular injections i.e. the ones you get before a filling, but I've heard you need one in the roof of your mouth for an extraction and it's the most painful thing in all of dentistry, apparently.

I truly don't feel like I can do it. I'm having very bad thoughts, like the kind that would get me sectioned if I told my psychiatrist about them. My future looks so bleak that I want to give up on life in general, not just my teeth. In a very final way. How insanely dramatic it is to feel like this over something even children can handle, but not me.