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Lower teeth numbing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kns
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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2017
I know that lower molars can be hard to numb. When I have had root canals on my first and second lower molars, I have had a really hard time getting numb and have needed the X-tip with multiple injections. Do lower premolars have this same issue getting complete, deep anesthesia? I have old fillings that need replaced with crowns on my lower second premolars at some point (and with my history will probably need root canals as inevitably work on my teeth turns into irreversible pulpitis) and I am terrified of not getting numb again. Is this likely or is it the molars that are usually the issue? I don’t have this trouble with my upper teeth and numbing.
Hi Kns,
That’s a good question. The good news is that lower premolars are generally more predictable in being numbed effectively.
All the best with it, everything should be absolutely fine.