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Me again! Six teeth surgically removed and IV sedation DONE! Need advice at end though

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Junior member
Apr 18, 2017
Me again! Six teeth surgically removed and IV sedation DONE! Need advice at end though

This is part success story, part holy crap what do I do know but let me begin with the positive stuff. I've been posting here for a few days over how nervous I've been about my surgery. Six extractions, one of them infected so much it was bothering my eye/sinus/ear, and it would be my first time doing IV sedation.

Warning: This is going to be long, especially if it can help people who have chronic anxiety like me. Also, I'm fresh out of surgery! Only been about two hours :)

I spent the entirety of yesterday AND this morning crying. I thought I was definitely going to die. I was assaulted by the slew of my own thoughts. What if I was allergic to the IV medication? What if I'd stop breathing? What if I got nauseated while sitting there? Could I choke on my own spit. It'd been over 8 hours since I had something to drink / eat (and I have a bladder condition so i pee 20+ times a day) so I thought for sure I'd dehydrate and die. I thought what if I do make it through, won't I wake up in a panic because my jaw hurts so much (it's one of my fears). Every bad case scenario, I thought of and it got way worse the moment I arrived. The moment I got in a started crying. I cried so much I gave myself post nasal drip which I couldn't help with water, so I had to sit there dealing with it which then it turn GAVE ME ACID REFLUX. I threw up acid right into my mouth, gagged and I couldn't drink water to help me. At that point I was going to give up, but then the nurse called me in and my mom looked at me like "if you don't go, i s2g I will disown you" and heck, I WANTED TO BE BRAVE DAMNIT. So I pulled my crying butt in to the back


The nurses were SWEETHEARTS. Super understanding of my nerves, very chill, very comforting. I signed some waivers, willed myself not to cry anymore, and sat down in the chair. A super nice lady kept comforting me and said she was gonna wire me up! Blood pressure band around my arm, the clip thingy on my finger, round pads stuck to my chest/stomach, AND I also to tiny tube thingies put in my nose for oxygen (not scary or uncomfortable at all). And because I was freaking out so much, the lady was like "I'm gonna just give you some more "oxygen" and asked if I was claustrophobic. I said nope and she put the oxygen which was really a very little dosage of nitrogen to relax me before they put the IV. She told me it was oxygen to relax me a little and it did absolutely NOTHING lol. Not a damn thing, so the dentist came in and asked if I felt more relaxed and I told him nope, so he told her to up it a little and then ...well. I laughed, lol. Something in my stomach made me laugh, I don't know. I giggled twice (not a full out giggle just a small heh heh) and I asked the dentist if it was okay that I laughed and he said "You find it funny? GOOD! Keep laughing if you want to" but then my brain kicked in and was like yeah no. So I stopped laughing and immediately regained control of myself but just enough that I wouldn't start freaking the heck out at the next part...THE IV NEEDLE!!!!!! I usually HAVE to look at it, but I was okay this time. I was scared but not I'M GOING TO RUN FROM THIS CHAIR scared, just a "dangit I hate needles" and I definitely felt the prick because I have veins who like to play hide-n-seek, but even though it was painful it was definitely nothing you can't handle.

Then the procedure started and that's where things got hazy. I only remember bits and pieces towards the end or at least I think it was the end. I was groaning and complaining because things were starting to hurt, I felt pressure in my jaw and a giant thing in my mouth which i assumed was to keep it open. All of that sound scary and it sure is and if it was any other day I would be SCREAMING, panicking but I guess the IV sedation makes you just not care? I felt all of this scary stuff and my brain wasn't registering that it was scary, it was more like "Dang this sucks, can you please not do that but okay I guess if you must please continue quickly" I felt no fear. A little pain, a little discomfort, but zero fear or fight-or-flight response.

So unlike others, I do remember the bits towards the end and I was immediately conscious after the procedure. Gauze was shoved in my mouth, dentist walked away, and the nurse returned with a wheelchair lol. There was no recovery time or anything, just hey we're done now get out 8D LOL (but nicely at least). I was like pfft I don't need a wheelchair I got this, but uh no... I got up and felt like a baby giraffe learning how to walk. This only lasted until the car ride home though. I wasn't groggy or sleepy, it was just my leg and arm muscles that felt a little bit like jello.

SO that was my experience. I'm back home now and in quite a bit of discomfort. This is where I'm lost and don't know what to do. My jaw feels dislocated even though I know it's not. The bleeding won't stop and it's been two hours. I'm in pain but nothing so excruciating I want to throw myself in front of a bus, well sort of. I just have high pain tolerance for things after-the-fact. I've gone through two gauze sets, even a warm tea bag but still lots o bleeding. I mean I did have SIX teeth extracted so I guess ...this is normal? I DON'T KNOW. I'm a little bit worried

Also, I'm so damn hungry and thirsty but I am terrified of drinking water or even having yogurt with all this blood in my mouth. Is it okay? I know the blood is mixed with saliva so it looks a crap ton worse... ugh. The hard part is over and now I panic over this lol. (Also I get panic attacks from jaw pain so i'm trying to just chill about the amount of pressure and discomfort my jaw feels)
Re: Me again! Six teeth surgically removed and IV sedation DONE! Need advice at end though

Seriously, thank you for this. I laughed out loud reading this. I have my sedation tomorrow, in about 14 hours actually. I'm worried, but this post is the breath of fresh air I need. Sorry I can't advise, just wanted to say thanks. I'm going to read it again :D

Regarding the anxiety. It's all normal. I have sever anxiety. I know from experience most of this is in our heads. Maybe tomorrow I can call on you for support. Congrats though!
Re: Me again! Six teeth surgically removed and IV sedation DONE! Need advice at end though

Seriously, thank you for this. I laughed out loud reading this. I have my sedation tomorrow, in about 14 hours actually. I'm worried, but this post is the breath of fresh air I need. Sorry I can't advise, just wanted to say thanks. I'm going to read it again :D

Regarding the anxiety. It's all normal. I have sever anxiety. I know from experience most of this is in our heads. Maybe tomorrow I can call on you for support. Congrats though!

I'm so glad if this can help you just a little bit! I have severe anxiety and panic attacks every day so I didn't think I could do this but it turned out fine in the end :jump: You will DEFINITELY be okay, and just re-read my post if it can help you out! Wishing you all the best!!!