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Mouth won't open, extractions in less than 2 days, please help!

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Junior member
Mar 22, 2012
Hi, can anybody help? I've broke a lot of back teeth two weeks ago (I made a thread - mouthful of broken teeth - in the support forum explaining what happened) and I saw a dentist today who wants to extract some on Wednesday, including a lower wisdom tooth, but I can hardly open my mouth. I haven't been able to open it more than an inch since the accident, and an infection in the past few days has made it even worse, about half an inch. I have tried and tried to force it open by sticking gradually larger things- pens, etc- between my undamaged teeth, but I'm not getting anywhere. It is stuck fast. I am a terrible patient and very afraid.
I voiced my teary concerns to the nurse but she just said it wouldn't be a problem. When pushed she claimed that they would be able to give it a wee massage and it would open. I've been massaging the bloomin thing for two weeks and it just will not open. It transpired that she thought it was just the infection causing it to lock, and I explained that it wouldn't open before the infection but I feel my concerns were brushed aside.

Can anybody tell me how a dentist will open my jaw? Will he just have to open it by force when I am sedated?

Does anyone have any tips on releasing a frozen jaw quickly?

Thank you...
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How are you eating ? Are you able to talk at all ?

I think you should go and see your gp and have it looked at again. I know there is a fine line between what a dentist and doctor are reponsible for with the mouth, but it sounds as if the dental nurse hasn't made an assessment you are satisfied with. I think it is hard for anyone to make a recommendation for any self-help you can do as quite what is happening with your jaw after the accident isn't clear.
I am eating, well, drinking, through a straw. I can talk but it's painful and slurred. I am going to try to get an emergency appointment at the doc's tomorrow to ask for some valium for Wed so I will ask him. That's a good idea. Why didn't I think of that?
As I said in the other thread, you need your answers from the dentist not the 'nurse'. It is ridiculous that your concerns were just brushed aside and not addressed.
I had this happen to me when I had two wisom teeth grow in horizontally into my jaw joint. It didn't hurt though and I didn't know why I could not open my mouth, as you said, more than an inch. I finally went to the emergency room. The doctor didn't quite understand my difficulty and apparently believed that it wassn't because I couldn't, but because I wouldn't so he stuck a wide tongue depressor in and turned it sideways. My jaw cracked but didn't, couldn't open, he walked from the examination room and never came back. My jaw was still locked (I believe the doctor realized he'd made a mistake and probably I could have sued)

I went to an oral surgeon a few days after (after making finally an appointment). The surgeon removed the two teeth with MUCH care and removed bone shards from my chipped jaw joint event from the ER. The surgeon will be able to handle getting your jaw open because they are familiar with this kind of problem......believe me, neither you nor I are unique.
I had this happen to me when I had two wisom teeth grow in horizontally into my jaw joint. It didn't hurt though and I didn't know why I could not open my mouth, as you said, more than an inch. I finally went to the emergency room. The doctor didn't quite understand my difficulty and apparently believed that it wassn't because I couldn't, but because I wouldn't so he stuck a wide tongue depressor in and turned it sideways. My jaw cracked but didn't, couldn't open, he walked from the examination room and never came back. My jaw was still locked (I believe the doctor realized he'd made a mistake and probably I could have sued)

I went to an oral surgeon a few days after (after making finally an appointment). The surgeon removed the two teeth with MUCH care and removed bone shards from my chipped jaw joint event from the ER. The surgeon will be able to handle getting your jaw open because they are familiar with this kind of problem......believe me, neither you nor I are unique.

Thanks for your reply. What the doctor did to you sounds awful. This is exactly what I am afraid of- not being listened to , and being injured by someone who doesn't know what he's doing. I'm glad your experience with the oral surgeon was more positive. This has made me feel a bit better; thanks.
I have written down my concerns as simply as possible, and the questions I would like him to answer before the procedure. This has calmed me a bit too, as I will hopefully be able to communicate my fears even if I'm a blubbering mess.
24 hours from now it might all be over...8-)