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My long nightmare/story!

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2018
So I figured I'd start a journal (mainly to vent) tho would be nice for some advice/support too as have no one to talk to (sad but true) I've been browsing here for 5yrs but only signed up recently as needed an email address. At 17 I had such bad toothache it forced me into going (hadn't been for 5yrs) new dentist+massive mistake his actions+words basically put me off going for life (I think he totally exagerated that things were much worse than they were,to look at I feel they weren't as bad back then maybe fillings or root canals or something but not what he said) I buried my head in the sand+lived with it. Skip to October 2012 (16ish yrs later) I got an abcess the pain got to the point when you can't ignore it so was forced into going again then the dreaded words that you secretly kno but don't want to hear I'd need full mouth extractions. So in March 2013 I went to a hospital petrified+had a G/A didn't really have an option or say in it+guess things haven't been the same since....
Now the thought of dentures has always disgusted me+never was going to take something in+out everyday (esp not at my age) so that hospital didn't do implants+werent willing to help further,so I went to a new dentist+they refered me to a hospital (about 45mins away diff city) I had to wait a year just for my 1st appointment. Now tbh I never liked the consultant from day 1 (rude+patronising for starters) but there's no other restorative dentist or hospital nearer so didn't have a choice really+so for the next almost 4yrs (up to oct 2017) I've been having a ton of appointments there+not achieved anything. I've done impressions (which I detest) several times,x.rays,try ins with wax but everytime they have been scrapped because the next appointment has taken so long that there now useless+need doing again....
My 2nd op was in November 2017 (yes 4+half bloody yrs later) alveoplasty+a buried wisdom tooth out apparently it needed to be done in order to get implants,again was petrified diff hospital+another G/A,that consultant retired around the same time. Met the new consultant in January briefly he's pretty much starting from scratch (which I just don't have the energy for) says it could take another 2yrs :-\ but the nurse manager seems to think that's ok because as she puts it "I will get what I wanted all along" (fixed implants). I just feel 5yrs of my life have been wasted/on hold I'm stuck indoors 24/7 stressed so much just waiting for the next appointment+my biggest fear is that even if it does all finish what if I'm not happy with the end result. My next appointment is in 3wks for yet more impressions,the thought of it makes me feel sick. :(
So fed up of getting palmed off from hospital to doctor then back again,my sinus troubles only started 3mths ago so why do people keep saying its not related of course its to do with the op didn't have it before. Then my doctor asks how do I chew err well I don't obviously I have to cut stuff up real small+swallow it hence why I get stomach issues every now+then because it doesn't digest properly. She said it would be nice if they gave you something so you could chew what do you think I've been trying to do for the last 5yrs,just ignore the fact I said it will take another 2yrs. It still feels like something is stuck above my upper lip+inside is red raw but like I said no one is bothered anymore. :( is it normal for the person who did the op not to even check that its healing?
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Well that was a waste of time trek all the way to appointment at the crack of dawn (just for the record I'm really not a morning person so that doesn't help)+was feeling crap dizzy/sick. Then they try+spring impressions on me,that was not part of the plan I was told on the phone a wk ago they would be done next time (april) not this time. There's no way they'll get done without me taking something first to at least make me sit still,yes I know I've done them before but that was a while ago+im not sure I can now. So after having a meltdown they weren't done (still going to feel sick tho no matter when there done) it ended up just being a talk but they did mention again this could take 2yrs :( maybe its time to give up its way to much stress just face reality this is my life+learn to live with it.
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However the new consultant did say the 12 appointments could be done in 3mths,not sure why he said that tho.
I understand your frustration, probably better than most. When I first heard that all I had to have done was going to take a year or maybe a little more depending on how quickly I heal between procedures, I was actually okay with it. This was mainly due to the fact that my teeth were failing and I was very uncomfortable and just plain miserable. I had been to two dentists who said they wouldn’t or couldn’t help me so I was so grateful to find one that finally would, I was willing to do whatever it took. Here I am now 6 months in and I’m about to have my second procedure, and I’m a little frustrated. It has not been at all easy to be on a very limited diet for the past 6 months, and now with a new surgery I will be back on a even more limited diet for a month or so before I heal enough to eat what I’m eating now which isn’t much. I will have another 4-6 months of waiting before I can get my permanent bridges attached to the implants and will have dentures in the meantime. Again. Still. And I can’t stand them. So as scared as I am and as aggravated as I am at times, the idea of stopping where I am in this thing now and just resigning myself to dentures would be insanity. If my implants were to God forbid fail and I had to live with dentures as my only option I would be willing to adapt and just get on with life as is, but I have to give it my very best shot here...I have to not leave myself behind and do the hardest thing that I don’t want to do in order to hopefully achieve the ideal outcome for my situation.

A year or two is not really a huge amount of time when I consider the years that I lived with broken painful teeth, and when I consider the years I would have ahead of me with a more limited diet due to dentures. Think it over...
Yeah I get that but i don't even have dentures. The new consultant did say something stupid tho like what if you don't like how they look? Well obviously I'd be back to square one+go back to living like this,can't really answer that untill I've seen but of course its something I've thought about. He's right I probably won't like them as they will be made as cheaply as possible.
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I think you’ll be okay with the way they look.
My dentures are FAR better than the broken ugly mess I had before I had my teeth pulled. No one can tell they aren’t my teeth.
I won't be getting dentures just the implants,they are bound to look cheap/fake tho I have seen pix. From someone who had him do her's.
You don’t get to pick your teeth out? For my implant supported bridges I will be involved in the whole process including picking the shape and shade of the teeth, and I don’t sign off on them until I’m 100% satisfied.
I'm not sure how it works maybe or maybe not,obviously I'd like the best but as I'm not fully paying I'll get what I'm given.
Very depressed today :( exactly 5yrs ago I had my extractions+nothings changed,the longer this goes on the less chance I have of getting my life back. Its also mothers day+the only thing I give my mum is more stress she gets the brunt of it+its not very fair.
Very depressed today :( exactly 5yrs ago I had my extractions+nothings changed,the longer this goes on the less chance I have of getting my life back. Its also mothers day+the only thing I give my mum is more stress she gets the brunt of it+its not very fair.

5 years is a long time, I would be very frustrated too. I didn’t realize it had been THAT long for you, I’m climbing the walls after 6 months and the prospect of another 6. I really hope you can get scheduled soon.
5 years is a long time, I would be very frustrated too. I didn’t realize it had been THAT long for you, I’m climbing the walls after 6 months and the prospect of another 6. I really hope you can get scheduled soon.

Yes climbing the walls is exactly what I'm doing,things are scheduled I just don't see how it can be dragged out so long. I want to make a complaint against the last consultant but I don't know if its going to achieve anything.
Very depressed today :( exactly 5yrs ago I had my extractions+nothings changed,the longer this goes on the less chance I have of getting my life back. Its also mothers day+the only thing I give my mum is more stress she gets the brunt of it+its not very fair.

I feel rather guilty feeling depressed and moaning that I have had to go two month so far with no teeth at the top after extractions.
5 years?? I really feel for you - I just don't understand why they have dragged this out for you for so long :cry: I too am NHS which is why I haven't been able to have immediate dentures and I had to wait so long after before they would do impressions - but 5 years is unacceptable. I really do hope they sort things out for you real soon
P**sed off with my doctor whilst I was there yesterday told her I would'nt be able to go/do stuff at my appointment next week her answer 'just tell them your nervous they'll help' yeah coz that worked so well last time,clearly nothing will be different. :mad:
Fuming! So today was the 3rd time seeing the new consultant+was supposed to be impressions,so I psyched myself up+yet none were done (no real explanation as to why). So I'm not really sure what the point of today was it was just talking then told to make the next 2 appointments at the desk,she said july I was literally like your having a f**king laugh (the nurse last time said my next op could be in may well that was clearly bull). I'm so done with being mucked around first the other consultant now this one just what is the point anymore? Oh+he wants me to see a dietitian+some kind of shrink seriously? I did take diazapam too but have no idea if it worked as nothing happened.:mad:
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Tazey, so sorry to hear that.. they seem not to give you much information about anything, do they? And you made yourself ready for the impressions and nothing happened, so the whole stress for nothing.. :(
What is supposed to be done at the next two appointmenst?
Hi Tazey,

Sorry to hear about your disappointing appointment
I know it must be so frustrating. I'm wondering why they are not explaining things to you? Do you feel too nervous to ask about why things aren't happening? For example, they do need to explain why the impressions didn't happen today. They really should be explaining things and it doesn't seem they are or that you are getting anywhere.
It's really a lousy position to be in, I hope that things go better at your next appointment. I am also wondering if there is any way you can take someone with you next time, who would ask the questions that you need answers to?