My front two teeth don’t match, with one being an implant. It bothered me a lot at first, as they are slightly different size and shape but no one notices it but me unless they scrutinize it closely. I can’t tell yours are different.
As far as color, honestly I wouldn’t go whiter. It wouldn’t look natural. I have always felt my teeth were yellowish, and darker than other peoples, but when I was getting my implant crowns matched, mine were almost at the lightest shade on the color chart. My dentist told me that some yellowing makes it look more natural as teeth are not usually white.
To be completely honest, having had my front tooth redone twice and having gotten the opinion of several different dentists and oral surgeons, I realized that we are probably never going to be happy with replacement teeth/crowns. They are not real, so they are never going to look right to us. We are always going to be more critical since we can look in the mirror and pick them apart. Every time I look in the mirror I see flaws with my front tooth. No one else sees them unless I point them out.
All that to say that I think these look so much more realistic and fit your mouth, much better than the others you posted.