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My teeth are ruining my mental health!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Livvy1988
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Junior member
Sep 26, 2022
First time poster, long time reader.

I’m 34 and live in the UK. For the past year i have been suffering daily with worry, depression and anxiety about my teeth. When i was younger i neglected my teeth through a rubbish diet and poor oral hygiene and now i feel i am suffering massively because of this.
I had 6 veneers placed 6 years ago along with many many filling on nearly all of my teeth. Last year i had to have 2 root canal’s and 2 on-lays. Since then can’t stop worrying about teeth, everyday it’s all i think about (literally). Mainly about how all this treatment is going to affect me in the future and the cost of replacing things as the years go on. My veneers are not the best and in hindsight i wish i had never had them. I cannot afford to replace them and probably won’t be able to for some time. Since having the root canals last october i’m completely on top of my dental health and diet and i’m looking after them but i can’t shake this feeling of impending doom! I’m constantly looking in the mirror checking my teeth, googling things, looking at other peoples teeth and it’s making me ill. I know that it’s probably more of a mental health issue and i have tried to get help with counselling or psychotherapy but both of my GP referrals have been rejected and i cannot afford to pay private. All the doctors keep doing is prescribing different anti depressants and diazepam. I’ve talked to my dentist about some of my worries but even he admits that in the future i’m going to have on going problems with my teeth.

Not much point to this post i guess im just feeling so alone about it all and scared. Scared for the future and at times i find it hard to find the point in anything anymore. I wish there was something to do to stop feeling like this. Thanks for reading
@Livvy1988 Hi I am sorry you are having to deal with this. I can identify with your experience of feeling regret, and regretting procedures that were done, knowing there will be more problems in the future, and thinking about dental issues way too much. That situation you have of not being able to get any kind of counseling is not good. One thing that I did, when I was struggling the most dealing with dental treatment, which might possibly be of interest to you, was get counseling through an online service that was a lot cheaper than any in person option. The one I used was called 7 Cups. I got two months and it made a lot of difference. I think even one month would have made a lot of difference. The way it worked was you could email back and forth with the counselor every week day. Did you see this page:
They do have some ideas on here under the "Self Help" heading that seem kind of good, if you don't have access to counseling. I have done versions of all the things on that list that work for me.
Hi, Sorry you're going through such a difficult time.

My story is similar to yours, I'm a bit younger than you and also neglected my teeth when I was younger and it's caught up to me in the last few years.
Lots of work done recently, a couple large fillings that my dentist has admited could fail at any moment. The cost is a big worry as you know dentists aren't cheap, and I also worry if I'm going to be able to fund future treatment, or will i be destined to have multiple teeth pulled at a youngish age if I can't afford the treatment to keep them.

I wish I could you better advice but I think about my teeth pretty much everyday and know hard it is to snap out of it, but just try and think of things to distract yourself as much as possible.
@NervousUSA thank you for taking your time out to reply. I’ve tried looking online for some help but i get so overwhelmed. I think i would benefit with actual talking to someone face to face but its very expensive and i dont have the money to fund anything atm (im a single mother of two so i always feel guilty about spending anything on myself). i’ve recently joined a gym to try and help keep my mind occupied but the fear of my teeth is so overwhelming at present. It dictates every part of my life. I’m trying stay away from mirrors and constantly telling myself this will soon pass but it’s so so hard.
@Neos thank you for your reply and in a way it’s good to hear i am not alone. I have so many regrets about my teeth i wish i could turn back the time. i obviously i cant. I hope that i can just try and get through each day and hopefully it gets easier? Today is not a good day tbh im feeling really low and it’s hard to concentrate on anything. I go to the gym and have two young children so i do try and keep as busy as i can but the intrusive thoughts seem to always be there. I’m at a loss of who to turn to or where to get help. Why is it so hard!! Do mind me asking what dental treatment you’ve had?
@Livvy1988 I’ve had about 10 fillings in the last 2 years, with about 3 being very deep fillings which were borderline needing root canals.

It’s normal to have regrets and wish you could turn back time, I wish I could too. Sounds like you have some good things going on in your life though with your 2 children to help keep you distracted.

I agree it’s hard to find help. I’ve been in the mental health system for many years due to issues not related to my teeth, but I guess these issues have contributed to the damage I’ve done to them though. But on many occasions I’ve had to wait months or even over a year to get various mental health help on the NHS.
@Neos Hey, yes i do have a lot of good things in my life and i try to cherish them just wish i didn’t feel so rubbish about myself. I hate the way i look and how my mind works. Been on the phone again to the doctors, they have prescribed yet more antidepressants (the last ones made me feel worse) and more diazepam, just wish i could train my brain to cope better. Have you found anything that helps you? I’m considering getting a loan for my teeth but then i worry that even if i re do my veneers i will find fault with them later down the line. Doesn’t help that everyone around me seems to have absolutely lovely teeth.
@Livvy1988 I've been on and off antidepressants for over 10 years. Thing about them though is they can cause dry mouth as a side effect which they have with me all those years, and dry mouth can contribute to more tooth decay. Can't say for sure my teeth would be in a better now if I never took antidepressants, but they certainly haven't helped them.
I'm not saying not to take them though, as I still take them and they can really help some people. I just wasn't aware for many years about the dangers of dry mouth on your oral health and I wasn't proactive enough in stopping the damage.

I need some cosmetic work done too. I need my teeth straightned, they aren't overly crooked, but it's something i've been self conscious about for a long time. I can just about afford to do it right now too, but then I worry if I get them done one of those deep fillings i have will suddenly need a root canal and a crown and I wouldn't be able to afford it as i've just paid out all this money for invisalign.

The best thing to do to keep your mind is to distract yourself which i know is very hard sometimes. You will have to accept some days will be harder than others, and try and appreciate the better days more.
This forum is great, but I try not to check out the forum all the time though as reading and talking about teeth just makes we worry more sometimes
Yes i have noticed the dry mouth and mentioned it to my dentist and he advised synthetic saliva and it does help. you can get it from most pharmacies. I’ve been on and off since i was 17 but always the same ones up until recently they switched them now im not sure if they are going to make me feel worse or not. They also want to test me for hyperthyroidism but can’t get a blood test until december!!!

yeah i feel the same about cosmetic work it’s such a catch 22 isn’t it. Hopefully we can both get to a place that is a bit easier.

I’m trying to keep busy so thank you for your advice i do really appreciate it, i try not to check online but its like i don’t have the self control lol and my mind takes over.
I completely understand how you feel. I too have a great fear for my teeth. I'm overly sensitive about them and constantly check if they are alright. I'm especially afraid that a tooth will start hurting over the weekend or during holidays, and no one will be able to help. Because of this, every weekend is ruined for me, as instead of relaxing, I'm anticipating a severe toothache, which, of course, never comes.

I have several fillings, 3 root canals, am missing 2 teeth, and have a few deep fillings that might need root canals in the future. All of this heightens my anxiety about my teeth.

I've spent a lot of money, even replaced fillings that were relatively fine, but this hasn't calmed my worries. I always conjure up something in my mind, like thinking about all my root canals and fearing that I'll eventually lose those teeth.

For some time now, I've been trying to control this.

  • First and foremost, I've stopped visiting dentists constantly, even though I feel my teeth.
  • I go for regular dental check-ups every 6-8 months instead of frantically searching for a new dentist in panic.
  • I try to rationalize my thoughts about teeth, maintain a pain diary, describe sensations related to my teeth, and draw conclusions from it which can be calming. For example, if the pain always intensifies over weekends or during trips, and then disappears when I return and this pattern persists, then surely these aren't genuine dental issues.
  • I practice mindfulness to notice my thoughts rather than getting carried away by them. This sometimes helps me break out of the cycle of anxiety that starts to build up.
I completely understand how you feel. I too have a great fear for my teeth. I'm overly sensitive about them and constantly check if they are alright. I'm especially afraid that a tooth will start hurting over the weekend or during holidays, and no one will be able to help. Because of this, every weekend is ruined for me, as instead of relaxing, I'm anticipating a severe toothache, which, of course, never comes.

I have several fillings, 3 root canals, am missing 2 teeth, and have a few deep fillings that might need root canals in the future. All of this heightens my anxiety about my teeth.

I've spent a lot of money, even replaced fillings that were relatively fine, but this hasn't calmed my worries. I always conjure up something in my mind, like thinking about all my root canals and fearing that I'll eventually lose those teeth.

For some time now, I've been trying to control this.

  • First and foremost, I've stopped visiting dentists constantly, even though I feel my teeth.
  • I go for regular dental check-ups every 6-8 months instead of frantically searching for a new dentist in panic.
  • I try to rationalize my thoughts about teeth, maintain a pain diary, describe sensations related to my teeth, and draw conclusions from it which can be calming. For example, if the pain always intensifies over weekends or during trips, and then disappears when I return and this pattern persists, then surely these aren't genuine dental issues.
  • I practice mindfulness to notice my thoughts rather than getting carried away by them. This sometimes helps me break out of the cycle of anxiety that starts to build up.
I'm the same exact way! A couple of years ago I had tooth #30 break I went to the dentist they told me I needed about 6 root canals & crowns and would need surgery to trim back my gums so that they could handle a crown, then I might need a bridge etc. I didn't like the dentist, he didn't take time to answer any of my questions so I went home and said "The tooth isn't hurting, I'll wait until it hurts to do something about it!" Well then a couple of months ago tooth #29 broke also both had rather large fillings and the composite post was stuck in between my tooth so I was forced to find a highly recommended dentist in my area. Over that time when my molar was broke I gained another issue where my tongue is constantly exploring my mouth. Sometimes it feels like somethings moving, or feeling like there is food in the tooth so my tongue is constantly lashing around which is causing it to cut my tongue and make the muscles in my face hurt and my throat hurt. And no matter what I just can't seem to get it to STOP!

Fast foward to September 17th 2023 I went to the dentist for the first time after getting horrible news the previous years before. The dentist said that the tooth had a deep cavity and it would get close to the nerve. He said he was all about the cheapest options first to save the teeth so he said let's see if we can fill the tooth and it take and not have any issues that was on tooth #29 we did and everything seemed fine. Then my dentist was on vacation and I was scheduled to go on a cruise when a previous filling from tooth #30 started to become extremely sensitive to cold. So I was forced to go to their emergency dentist and he said he thought he could fill it (which yet again would be close to the nerve) but then decided he would clean the decay out leave the tooth open and place a temporary crown on it until I could see my dentist again I went on my cruise had no issues except for the annoyance of the temporary went back to my dentist and he said I can't guarantee that the tooth nerve won't die years down the road and its already been prepped for a crown so lets go ahead and get the root canal done to be sure you have no issues before we put the permanent crown on.

So on October 17th I went for the root canal procedure scared myself to death looking up root canals and had done decided it was going to be the most painful thing in the world and that I had made the worst decision of my life to carry on with the root canal. Had the procedure done and it was a piece of cake except for the fact that now the endodontic said the tooth #29 that the dentist had previously filled now needed a root canal too because it was necrotic but asymptomatic because the filling got to close to the nerve. I haven't even gotten a temporary crown on my previous root canal yet and they want to do the tooth right beside it. SO now I can't decide if I want to do it, or push it back a couple of weeks until I can get one tooth under control first. I mean my body is already stressing, not sure I want to add another stress on top of it!

I have been stressing myself out for months now due to dental issues! I had the root canal everything seems fine no sensitivity to heat or cold, no swelling, no sensitivity to pressure but I'm still constantly stressing that its going to fail down the road (I already hate I'm having to spend this much money on something that could possibly fail) so I've been miserable. I feel like all I do is constantly worry about what the next thing thats going to go wrong is going to be. I'm constantly googling to make sure the symptoms i'm feeling is normal but then get discouraged when all internet pages say 2-3 days symtpoms should be gone. It's NERVE RACKING, and i'm so ready for it all to be over with. I'm typically a carefree always smiling person and that hasn't been the case for months. It's bad when your husband says "I wish I could help you somehow, but I'm so ready to have my wife back! I'm ready to see you smiling and loving life again!"
I have been stressing myself out for months now due to dental issues! I had the root canal everything seems fine no sensitivity to heat or cold, no swelling, no sensitivity to pressure but I'm still constantly stressing that its going to fail down the road (I already hate I'm having to spend this much money on something that could possibly fail) so I've been miserable. I feel like all I do is constantly worry about what the next thing thats going to go wrong is going to be. I'm constantly googling to make sure the symptoms i'm feeling is normal but then get discouraged when all internet pages say 2-3 days symtpoms should be gone. It's NERVE RACKING, and i'm so ready for it all to be over with. I'm typically a carefree always smiling person and that hasn't been the case for months. It's bad when your husband says "I wish I could help you somehow, but I'm so ready to have my wife back! I'm ready to see you smiling and loving life again!"
Throughout the world, despite distances, different environments, and countries, people face similar problems.

We've spiraled into a cycle of anxiety related to teeth. Stress and anxiety, in our case, centered on our teeth. It's extremely frustrating because our sensitivity to stimuli increases, stimuli we wouldn't normally even notice.

I sense minor stimuli and immediately interpret them in a very negative way. Surely something is happening; I'll lose my teeth soon, I'll feel immense pain, etc. This fuels the anxiety and the urge to check our mouths, visit dentists, and spend money on more treatments. Of course, this constant checking doesn't help, it only drives the entire mechanism.

Things just keep getting worse, making it harder to focus on the environment and leading us to retreat into our fear. We know what's going on, yet it's hard to break free. We can't just let it go because we fear losing control of the situation.

Acceptance is key. We must accept that something might happen and we will never foresee it. It's pointless to constantly worry about what might come; it's better to just start living. Live despite pain, discomfort, and fears.

For two years, I've been afraid that a strong toothache will cause me to lose more teeth. Nothing has happened except for a decrease in the quality of my life due to these anxieties.

I recommend the book "Get out of your mind and into your life" by Steven C. Hayes and Spencer Smith.
Throughout the world, despite distances, different environments, and countries, people face similar problems.

We've spiraled into a cycle of anxiety related to teeth. Stress and anxiety, in our case, centered on our teeth. It's extremely frustrating because our sensitivity to stimuli increases, stimuli we wouldn't normally even notice.

I sense minor stimuli and immediately interpret them in a very negative way. Surely something is happening; I'll lose my teeth soon, I'll feel immense pain, etc. This fuels the anxiety and the urge to check our mouths, visit dentists, and spend money on more treatments. Of course, this constant checking doesn't help, it only drives the entire mechanism.

Things just keep getting worse, making it harder to focus on the environment and leading us to retreat into our fear. We know what's going on, yet it's hard to break free. We can't just let it go because we fear losing control of the situation.

Acceptance is key. We must accept that something might happen and we will never foresee it. It's pointless to constantly worry about what might come; it's better to just start living. Live despite pain, discomfort, and fears.

For two years, I've been afraid that a strong toothache will cause me to lose more teeth. Nothing has happened except for a decrease in the quality of my life due to these anxieties.

I recommend the book "Get out of your mind and into your life" by Steven C. Hayes and Spencer Smith.
Sorry for yet, another long post but I'm venting 🤣

Thank you! I keep telling myself not to worry until they give me something to worry about. And in today's economy not only am I worried about something going wrong but the fear of how much everything will cost to fix and keep my teeth which also isn't doing my anxiety any good.

I had the root canal two weeks ago and I've been down in the dumps ever since. Feeling slight tingles makes me take to Google to check to make sure the root canal isn't failing (gotten so bad with searching lately that I feel like throwing my phone away). My tooth is filed down pretty low (endodontic said he did that so it wouldn't interfere with me chewing) so it feels like the temporary filling is touching my gums and making them still feel sore 2 weeks later. Plus I have a OCD repetitive tendency to run my tongue over things that are different in my mouth so just about ever since the root canal was done I've been using Ortho Wax to cover it so I can force my tongue to leave it alone and I'm sure that has probably irritated my gums as well. And it feels like I've had a TMJ flare up because my jaw still hurts and added with that I have what feels like sinus pressure issues too that causes headaches daily pain above and under my eyes, beside my ear, behind my ear, and down my jaw and instead of accepting that I think it's TMJ and will go away on its own eventually that it has to be an infection and that it's the worst of the worse and gonna make me loose my tooth.

I need to stop worrying and just let things happen (I assume if I was gonna lose any of the teeth the endodontic and general dentist would have mentioned it by now) Dental phobia & anxiety sucks and kept me out of the dentist for years and now I'm just now starting to go back and I think I'm trying to do to many things at one time. Dentist says I need another root canal on tooth #29 that the dentist recently filled a deep cavity in and now he says it has an abscess (that filling was only placed 8 weeks ago).. And I'm wanting to push the root canal back till after Thanksgiving because I don't feel any pain from it except maybe some gum tenderness (they're not red or inflamed, I don't have a pimple on the gums) but the gum tenderness could also be the other issues I've described irritating my gums. Idk, gonna sit down with my dentist tomorrow and talk through everything.
I need to stop worrying and just let things happen (I assume if I was gonna lose any of the teeth the endodontic and general dentist would have mentioned it by now) Dental phobia & anxiety sucks and kept me out of the dentist for years and now I'm just now starting to go back and I think I'm trying to do to many things at one time. Dentist says I need another root canal on tooth #29 that the dentist recently filled a deep cavity in and now he says it has an abscess (that filling was only placed 8 weeks ago).. And I'm wanting to push the root canal back till after Thanksgiving because I don't feel any pain from it except maybe some gum tenderness (they're not red or inflamed, I don't have a pimple on the gums) but the gum tenderness could also be the other issues I've described irritating my gums. Idk, gonna sit down with my dentist tomorrow and talk through everything.
I won't assist you with medical issues because I'm not a dentist. My experience started similarly with root canal treatment. Ever since that treatment, I've regularly felt that area (and it's been two years now). It's probably not a real medical issue but rather anxiety associated with that spot.

You need to trust your dentist and stop focusing on your teeth.

I've been trying to do that for some time now.Earlier, I made a big mistake by going to multiple dentists. Over the past 2 years, I've visited many. Some said everything was fine and invited me back for a check-up in six months, while others believed that most of my fillings needed to be replaced. It all depends on the dentist and their approach. Some don't touch minor cavities, while others want to fix everything they see.

I fell for it and lost a lot of money. I got many teeth treated, even small cavities or good fillings. Instead of paying off my apartment loan, I spent the money on often unnecessary treatments.

My anxiety didn't lessen; it intensified. Now, it focuses on those uncertainties. Years ago, I had teeth treated with root canals, and I didn't even remember they were treated that way.

Now, when I focus on my teeth, I perceive every tooth that's undergone a root canal as a ticking bomb. I constantly analyze and process every minor sensation from my mouth. Even the slightest feeling can make me interpret it as an impending disaster and ruin my mood.

I'm trying to change now, and you should try too.

You need to try thinking about something else and not just focus on your teeth. Accept the fact that you might lose teeth or experience pain. Such is life.

You might lose teeth, or you might still have them 20 years after a root canal treatment. Focusing on them won't change anything, but it will only worsen your quality of life.
This is such a great forum to come to and not feel so alone. So glad I stumbled on to it! Praying for strength and healing for every affected by this.
Hello! I have a lot of the same things going on as you do. Has it gotten better for you?