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Need a sympathetic Liverpool NHS Dentist, UK

  • Thread starter Thread starter bluesuew
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Junior member
Mar 25, 2007
I had a very bad experience, when I was 18, when I had to go to the dental hospital, to get 5 wisdom teeth out, the surgery went well, but my phobia with needles started from there, as I didn't get any pain relief, after the surgery :-X.

My mouth has broken weak teeth, and because of this I have abscess gallore, I do have a dentist, but the surgery doesn't have gas, numbing gel, or any other form of needle pain relief, in fact, the dentist who runs the surgery, is actually in Jersey, and the resident dentists don't have a say on how to treat me, and others who is in the same boat.

Please Help.
Hi and [smiley=welcome.gif]

Any dentist should have topical anaesthesia, it's just a cream which makes the gum tissue go numb in the area which is to receive the injection and therefore coupled with good technique (slow), can make the injection painless.

Some severe needle phobics find a practice which uses the Wand (computer controlled painless delivery) to deliver the LA as their solution but you are unlikely to find an NHS practice which offers this.
You can search on your local PCT's website for a list of NHS dentists accepting new patients. If you are not happy with your current one, it is probably a good idea to try somewhere else as most nervous patients find the dentist's attitude the most important aspect in overcoming their fears. Have you asked friends/colleagues for recommendations?

Nitrous oxide (gas) does not seem to be widely available in the UK except in hospitals. Your GP could prescribe you valium or similar to help you cope with appointments (tell your dentist) or you may find oral sedation (pills) is also an option for your dentist to prescribe.

Feel free to post on the support section as well....how did a hospital wisdom teeth extraction set off a needle phobia because you had no pain relief afterwards by the way?
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Hello Brit,

Thank you for welcoming me.

I had to get my impacted teeth removed, by having my gum cut open, after the surgery, I couldn't open my mouth, by the time I needed more treatment, I found I was very sensitive to nearly everything, fine fish bones, soup with a tiny little splinter in it, then my nightmare, needles, I could feel them before the surgery, but the needles was treble the pain after the procedure, don't ask me why, maybe I didn't have that much sensation, due to too many teeth, in the first place. I did have double teeth, in other words, 3 sets, milk teeth, then double of adults.

If this dentist is so good, does he have an interest free payment system, as I have health and cash flow problems here, as I Care for my mum? :'(

Sorry to ask, and be so blunt, but it looks like the goverment has finally suceeded to destroy the NHS, they are forcing everyone to pay by 2009. :(

bluesuew said:
If this dentist is so good, does he have an interest free payment system, as I have health and cash flow problems here, as I Care for my mum?  :'(
You can check the website yourself...it mentions a credit scheme beong available but I'd be surprised if it were interest-free. Depending what you need private dentistry is not necessarily outrageously expensive in the UK...USA is another matter altogether.

bluesuew said:
Sorry to ask, and be so blunt, but it looks like the goverment has finally suceeded to destroy the NHS, they are forcing everyone to pay by 2009.  
My turn to say sorry, did I miss a news report somewhere...not aware of this? Actually a couple of posters have had good NHS experiences recently....it's what the dentist is like that really matters the most in all this.
On the ITV news yesterday, said that 80% of dentists are going to opt out of NHS, because of the new contracts, and funding.


Brit said:
You can check the website yourself...it mentions a credit scheme beong available but I'd be surprised if it were interest-free. Depending what you need private dentistry is not necessarily outrageously expensive in the UK...USA is another matter altogether.

My turn to say sorry, did I miss a news report somewhere...not aware of this? Actually a couple of posters have had good NHS experiences recently....it's what the dentist is like that really matters the most in all this.
Hello there Sue.

I am very sorry to hear of your previous unpleasant experiences with dentistry. It is something that as a dentist I find most disheartening about my profession as I hear accounts like yours far too often.
I hope you have had some luck in finding a dentist in Liverpool, but if not I may be able to help, although I am a private dentist and therefore cannot provide any treatment on the NHS.

My background has been in treating apprehensive patients for most of my career and last August I opened my own clinic in Liverpool City Centre.

Whilst myself and all my staff are trained in IV sedation, the vast majority of people who come to me only require understanding, compassion, and most of all, lots of TLC.

I offer a free consulation which can be obtained by calling Jules or Annie on 0151 258 1968, or popping into my clinic at

Pall Mall dental clinic,
42 Pall Mall
L3 6AL.

We offer interest free credit over 10, 12, 18 or 24 months which is of course, subject to the usual terms and conditions.

If you require any more information then give my very understanding staff a call, and they will be only too happy to help.

Kind Regards

Dr Andrew Healy BDS

P A L L M A L L dental clinic
Thank you so much Dr Healy, I will consider getting some much needed attention to my poor teeth, through your clinic, I'll be getting a few days off soon, and I'll give your assistant a call, to make arrangements, I'm just pleased to find I'm not alone in this matter.

I thought it was a practice, that don't care about the mental distress of there patients, it is now obvious to me, that there is some nice, helpful dentists.

I do have a good dentist, but he feels helpless, with my phobia, and a lady dentist in the same clinic, actually thinks it's a laughing matter, blagging to me about this poor bloke, I believe he was a strapping fellow, being afraid of the dental needle, and was actually climbing the walls to get away from it. That really made me feel better. NOT.

What really gets me, in general, I can get bloods taken, or injections, without flinching, but not in the mouth. What a horrible phobia it is.
BlueSue, don't know if this is too late, but my dentist (PureDental on Smithdown Road) Are taking on NHS patients at the minute, and trust me, they're wonderful.
Hi Sue,

I've been recommended a very good dentist in West Derby on Heymans Green.

They are very good apparently, and they also offer sedation for nervous patients.

It's Mr Bennett @ 1b Haymans Green, West Derby, Liverpool 12.

They are accepting NHS patients as well as private.

Can't find any that still do gas though.
Found a Sympathetic Dentist in Liverpool, I hope.

After all this time, I have finally changed dentists, and I have been sent to Haymans Green, my first appointment is tomorrow. I have been sedated before, but had to travel to town, Haymans Green is a lot nearer to where I live, so my friend doesn't have to worry on car parking spaces.

At my old dentist, he was reluctant to sending me to the one in town, that's why I'm in a bad state with my teeth.

Hopefully I should be sorted, eventually.

Hi Sue,

I've been recommended a very good dentist in West Derby on Heymans Green.

They are very good apparently, and they also offer sedation for nervous patients.

It's Mr Bennett @ 1b Haymans Green, West Derby, Liverpool 12.

They are accepting NHS patients as well as private.

Can't find any that still do gas though.
Good luck tomorrow:grouphug:. Why don't you start a thread in the Support section as this is really just the section for people to recommend dentists?.
Ok, not posted for a while, been on hols....

'This' dentist is probably the only 'possible' ??? understanding dentist (closest to my area) that i have read/heard about on here.

I remember the post to Blue Sue', and i even started to type an e-mail to Dr.Healy, but 'red crossed' it at the final herdal (fear won yet again) :-X

Not sure the laughing technique' would swing it for me, but just to have a chat with this guy, (him being my' closest
poster') and ''see/hear/read'' more about who i,m thinking of dealing' with, would be a step in the right direction for me.

Quote} ask for ''Jules or Annie''....I almost did that too (but wot if they think i,m a wuss!)

Shame he only did the one post as far as i,m aware, would have appreciated more feedback from a confident dentist? to a not so confident (possible patient/s) :-?

Yeah, i know selfish/greedy old me! LOL (Appolagies Dr Healy, i know you must be busy)..................pulling teeth! aarrrrrgggh!! LOL (yeah' even us phobics have a sense of humor, SOMETIMES!!)

Well done to all who 'achieved' :respect:

Gilly [smiley=hug.gif]
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Not sure the laughing technique' would swing it for me, but just to have a chat with this guy, .....
Quote} ask for ''Jules or Annie''....I almost did that too (but wot if they think i,m a wuss!)

The 'laughing thing' is August only according to the article. Given that he states he has lots of experience with nervous patients and that although i/v sedation is available, most people respond extremely well to compassion and TLC....I really don't think there is any danger of anyone making you feel like a 'wuss' as you say you fear.
So what have you got to lose?
Ok, not posted for a while, been on hols....

'This' dentist is probably the only 'possible' ??? understanding dentist (closest to my area) that i have read/heard about on here.

I remember the post to Blue Sue', and i even started to type an e-mail to Dr.Healy, but 'red crossed' it at the final herdal (fear won yet again) :-X

Not sure the laughing technique' would swing it for me, but just to have a chat with this guy, (him being my' closest
poster') and ''see/hear/read'' more about who i,m thinking of dealing' with, would be a step in the right direction for me.

Quote} ask for ''Jules or Annie''....I almost did that too (but wot if they think i,m a wuss!)

Shame he only did the one post as far as i,m aware, would have appreciated more feedback from a confident dentist? to a not so confident (possible patient/s) :-?

Yeah, i know selfish/greedy old me! LOL (Appolagies Dr Healy, i know you must be busy)..................pulling teeth! aarrrrrgggh!! LOL (yeah' even us phobics have a sense of humor, SOMETIMES!!)

Well done to all who 'achieved' :respect:

Gilly [smiley=hug.gif]

Hello Gilly, and apologies for having only posted the one time.

I'm always looking for ways to improve the experiences of apprehensive patients which is why I'd spent some time with Stephanie and her team at "Laughology." Stephanie and I had looked into ways of using her techniques to help patients deal with their stress.

As far as being a "wuss" all I can say is that there many people who feel that way. Trust me when I say that our job (as dentists) should be to be understanding of everyone's fears and help them to overcome them little by little.

Personal relationships are absolutely vital as they are needed to help build trust. I have to earn the trust of every patient I treat and I try very hard to do that by getting to know every one of my patients.

My advice to you would be to pop into the clinic on a Thursday or a Friday and have a chat with my staff. Ask them anything you can think of (as I wont be there so you know they'll be honest!) and if you feel comfortable, take the opportunity of the free consultation at a later date to have a chat with me one to one. If you dont feel up to having an actual check-up at that appointment that's not an issue.

I do hope you find the time to at least pop in and have a chat with my staff. Believe me when I say they are the best. I wouldnt, and couldnt, work with anybody else.

Fingers crossed we'll see you soon.


p.s. That picture of me is truly awful! I'm more like Brad Pitt in real life.........not!
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Hello Gilly, and apologies for having only posted the one time.

I'm always looking for ways to improve the experiences of apprehensive patients which is why I'd spent some time with Stephanie and her team at "Laughology." Stephanie and I had looked into ways of using her techniques to help patients deal with their stress.

As far as being a "wuss" all I can say is that there many people who feel that way. Trust me when I say that our job (as dentists) should be to be understanding of everyone's fears and help them to overcome them little by little.

Personal relationships are absolutely vital as they are needed to help build trust. I have to earn the trust of every patient I treat and I try very hard to do that by getting to know every one of my patients.

My advice to you would be to pop into the clinic on a Thursday or a Friday and have a chat with my staff. Ask them anything you can think of (as I wont be there so you know they'll be honest!) and if you feel comfortable, take the opportunity of the free consultation at a later date to have a chat with me one to one. If you dont feel up to having an actual check-up at that appointment that's not an issue.

I do hope you find the time to at least pop in and have a chat with my staff. Believe me when I say they are the best. I wouldnt, and couldnt, work with anybody else.

Fingers crossed we'll see you soon.


p.s. That picture of me is truly awful! I'm more like Brad Pitt in real life.........not!

Wow!! thankyou so much Dr. Healy for posting again!!! (i know you must be a busy bee) ;)

This means so much, to a phobic' , to 'online chat' to a dentist BEFORE the actual consultation (sounds silly i know).

I did almost' make an appointment, but chickened out as usual!! (all those 'missed calls' where poss mine, oops! sorry, big appologies :-[)

Anyway, you have already gone up in my estimation, due to you taking the time to reply again here (means a lot) :)

I will try to pick up the phone, and arrange a consultation, (with you)??? on a day when i am not in work( not an excuse out of it, just working flat out at the mo)

I have many fears/questions and, i know once i start to 'chat' about them i will be in tears (as i am now, whilst typing this *:'( and, am concerned of being 'laughed' at when i,m 'out of the door')

All i want is nice white/straight teeth, that is married up with a pleasant dental experence.

I have not recieved dental treatment for over 20 yrs!! fear so bad that i have even resorted to filling my own, broken front tooth!!

I can,t stress how much i appreciate this reply, it shows that you may actually be concerned and care about your patients fears and, also be prepared to take me on!! (as i am you!![smiley=scared.gif]) :rofl:

So yes, fingers crossed 8-)...i will try honest ;)

Once again, thankyou so much, for taking this time to post again.


Gilly :-X
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Hi again Gilly.

Firstly there's no need for all the apologies.

I do heartily recommend you pop in and just have a chat with Jules or Annie on a Thursday or Friday first. They would be more than happy to sit and have a coffee with you and answer any immediate questions you may have about making that first step.
Doing it that way is a great way to see how very different we are in our approach to doing dentistry and hopefully wont be too stressful for you.
Ok SORRRRRRRY!! :rofl:

Am really considering doing just that..........off on my hols for 3 weeks soon, but after that, look out for the 'blubbering wreck'!!.......i AM! gonna do this!(with my mouth wide closed :-X ) hehe

I am determined to have ''the smile'' ;D for xmas/new year 2008/9, and i hope you can help me achieve this (preferebly, without too much discomfort??) :-?.

I am really grateful for your replies, and i hope to be in your capable hands within the month (erm don,t be gettin any idea's now!...my mouth will be firmly shut! so wot yer gonna do about that then eh! erm! eh!) :rofl::rofl:.... oops! sorry odd sense of humor...nothing to do
with nerves! ...[smiley=hiding.gif] .....but helps me cope NOT !! :o

ok...I sound like the joker........but it,s a 'front' ...reality, is a quivering wreck! see you soon, if i,m brave enough LOL


Gilly [smiley=cheers.gif]
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where abouts is this drhealys office? he sounds so nice, just what i am looking for. or should i say in desperate need of.