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Need help identifying front tooth issue :(

  • Thread starter Thread starter Erin12110
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Junior member
Jan 11, 2012
I've noticed as of lately, that I have a sudden chip on the inside of my upper front tooth. I never really noticed it before, so I'm guessing it might have happened during my cleaning five months ago. I noticed that my original hygienist (before this new one) would scrape the heck out of the space between my two front teeth. She did it really rough during the cleaning. Well, the new hygienist that I have did the same exact thing recently during a cleaning and now I notice that hole/chip very noticeably. What could have happened? I don't want to get it checked out until next month, when my next cleaning appointment is due. But until then, I'm worried :(

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you.
I've been doing some research on cracked teeth, as I noticed a crack in my front tooth as well, I can't remember if it's always been there or it just came on recently because it was hard to see it unless I looked really close. I had it filled with a white filling, which wasn't painful at all because there's no drilling so maybe you could get it filled if you're that worried about it so that it doesn't get any bigger. It might also be good to avoid eating hard foods on that tooth to prevent it from getting bigger.

Usually a person gets a cracked tooth due to too much force such as eating something hard, maybe the hygienist used a lot of force or maybe your teeth may be slightly weak due to enamel wear and so on. Sometimes if a person has had a fall or accident or something, this can cause cracked teeth.

If it isn't causing you any pain, it's not anything to worry about but just keep an eye on it but generally you should be fine.
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