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Need help on gagging and dentures

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Well-known member
May 20, 2007
On a real downer today. Have posted in dentistry questions, but am desperate for answers. I'm at the stage now of wondering whether I will in fact be able to get through the full extractions and having dentures fitted. Not to much the actual procedure. Although I am still scared witless, I have come to terms with dental phobia and in process of getting treatment, am convincing myself that even with my needle phobia I will get through the IV sedation. But what is my major concern now is will I be able to cope with dentures after extraction. Full dentures are to be fitted on extraction on 21 August. But I am a severe gagger so much so that even brushing teeth is a great problem. I got through the impressions and bite box thing - gagging all the time, but now I am seriously doubting whether I will be able to cope with dentures. Jenny, my dentist has given me something - I think it looks like the mould thing which measured my bite, to practise putting in, but even this after a couple of seconds I am gagging. Has it ever happened that people have been unable to wear dentures? I just couldn't face having my teeth out and then not being able to wear dentures. I'd have to give up work, and really become a recluse. This really is a great worry to me now. I've read all tips on preventing gagging, but nothing is helping me at the moment. Are there any people as bad as me who have been unable to wear dentures, or is there a remedy?
Although still very frightened at forthcoming procedures, I was ready for it because it has to be done, but now, thinking about gagging problems with dentures, I feel I may have to pull out.
Is there any solution to this problem? Has anybody else had such a gagging problem that's prevented them wearing dentures? If I go ahead and have teeth removed and then can't wear the dentures, it'll all be too late. Help! All my positivity has gone and I'm just in a negative frame of mind today. :-/
hi SS [smiley=hugging.gif]

just read about your gagging problem. i had partial dentures fitted many years ago, i didnt think i had a gagging problem till i had to have impressions done, then i gagged alot, but i do thing that is pretty common in those circumstances anyway. I also had the partial fitted same day as the extractions and did have a bit of a problem at first, i found that the longer i left it in the more i adjusted to it, for the first while i gagged when i had it out( to clean etc) and then put it back in, i dont know, i guess i just got used to it in the end and i dont have a bother at all with it now, cant say i am looking forward to impressions again though, knowing it was most unpleasant the last time.

hope someone else can give you some better advice, but thats how it was for me, i think you have a worse gagging problem than i had.

take heart that you are doing soooooooo well, and you will get there, with a big smile for santa ;)

This isn't really an answer to your query rather hope to help you know there are others out here with the same issues. Sorry to hear how fearful you are.

Almost 2 years past I got uppers and only a few months ago I started gagging about 3 seconds after putting them in. I thought the cause was a swollen throat as a side effect from prescription medications. Since last October I go out in public without teeth on top or bottom. Because of that I rarely leave my house and can only eat soft food. I long for a steak!:cry:

I cannot taste food while wearing dentures. It's a huge adjustment.