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Need Help with Periodontal problem, I'm worried.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mrebman
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Junior member
Dec 8, 2009

After 9 years I took the first step & went to my dentist & got a cleaning & Bitewing X-Rays & checkup, this after having a #3 Molar extracted on Dec 4, that woke me up!

Well the good news is that the dentist looked at the X-Rays & said he did not see any decay which floored me, I did brush twice a day during those 9 years so I guess it's possible but I got to wonder how hard the dentist looked at those X-rays.::) (I am happy about it though if true)

On the bad side, he refered me to the Periodontist because I have gum disease, which I guess I knew I had, the dentist aluded to that 9 years ago but I figured it was simple gingivitis which everybody has so I ignored it. So I went to the Periodontist on Wednesday & he probed my teeth saying that the front teeth looked good but I have 2 top back teeth on each side that have deep pockets (6 mm pockets) & I will need deep cleaning. He said then we would wait a couple of weeks & recheck them & if not improved I will need gum surgery.:o:(

I am terrified of gum surgery because of what I have read & heard from a guy at work who had it done 10 years ago. Will the deep cleaning likely work on 6mm pockets or it that a longshot? Should I prepare for the gum surgery? What typically is the prognosois for deep pockets in the 6mm depth range?:-?

What is the likelihood that I will loose those 4 teeth? How much time do I have?:(
Hi Mrebman

First, Congratulations on making the dental visit. That is a huge step and takes courage, Well done! [smiley=cheers.gif]

I will do my best to answer your questions. Deep cleanings and scaling is the first step to restoring gum health. The dentist might also give you a short course of antibiotics and a special mouthwash like peridex or periogard.

You can also take Co-Q10 supplements and green tea as these have been proven by numerous studies to promote gum health. If at all possible look for supplements that are pharmaceutical grade, a good health food store can be helpful.

Once the cleaning is done and things have calmed down the entire picture can be assessed. This might be all you need, but this is looked at on a case by case basis.

If you do need some gum surgery it is not the scary thing it used to be. You friend is painting pictures that are not true today. My periodontists use lasers for this type of work, but the procedures are not as invasive as they once were. Healing is fairly quick, with minimal discomfort. If there is any tooth sensitivity then a sensitive toothpaste can work wonders.

Today, most teeth can be saved due to improved tools and techniques. Living in fear does not help, you are going to be fine. Your friend's experience is not valid today. This is like comparing the performance of a new 2010 computer to one made in 1999, not even close.

The best thing is you are facing the fear and stopping the teeth from getting worse. You should be very proud of yourself. Take this one step at a time, when you have accurate information that pertains to your case alone.

Blessings :D
Stress Doc:

Thanks you have helped me greatly with my anxiety, the Periodontist alluded to the fact that the gum surgery would not be that bad "IF" we had to go there. However, I have also read that the gum surgery is also very expensive, is that true?

For the moment. the wife is encouraging me to think positively that the deep cleaning will be all that I will need but 6MM is a VERY deep pocket, is that not correct?

The other problem I have is that one of the back teeth in question I do not brush or mess with because I have some wicked exposed tooth root pain that I get from that tooth that comes & goes. The pain seems to stay at bay if I leave it alone & let it get dirty, the plaque seems to plug up the tubules. I was in a lot of pain after my Perio visit on Wednesday with that tooth & that was just from the pocket probing tool he used, what will this tooth be like on Wednesday after the deep cleaning & all that scaping & digging?? YIKES?:o

Could be the gums around the tooth that are sensitive. If you are concerned about discomfort you can ask the dentist for a prescription for Viscous Lidocaine 2%. This is a liquid medication that you swish in your mouth. It is a topical anesthetic and is used for oral thrush and canker sores, works great. If you live in the USA you can get it at Walmart for $4

As to cost of gum surgery. It depends upon how many teeth and many factors, also prices vary by region and country.

6mm is not great, but they could be worse. The important thing is to get this cleaned and dealt with. Gum health can be improved but it takes some time and effort. Your situation appears to be far from hopeless and should respond nicely to good care. You are going to be fine.

Blessings :D
Stress Doc:

Thanks for your words of encouragement. I did keep my appointment with the Periodontist on Wednesday afternoon. The girl at the desk said that the doctor was leaving the practice in 2 weeks for a better opportunity so she asked me if I wanted to have ALL 4 quadrants done in one appointment & she said I would be in the chair a good solid 1-1/2 Hours if we did all 4. Like a dummy I said yes lets do all 4 at once & since I have not had this done in 9 years, there was a lot of scale especially the deep pockets in my back teeth both top & bottom, all about 6MM, but some 4MM & some 5MM but none worse than 6MM. I must have had 12 Novacaine shots & I felt as if I had been kicked by a mule when I left the appointment, my teeth are still sore 2 days later.

The good news is that I get 6 Weeks off![smiley=jumping.gif] & then I come back for a perio reevaluation of the pockets to see if they have shrunk. The bad news is that if there is no improvement in the pocket depths, then I will most likely need gum surgery which I am terrified of, the after effects & the high cost. I mentioned that if I get the gum surgery, then I won't be able to afford the implant, he said right away that the surgery was more important. Am I about to see the light at the end of the tunnel? Is the gum surgery a guarantee that the deep pockets won't return a year or two from now.

Another bit of bad news is that I have (1) erupted wisdom tooth (I only got one not four) that has some deep pockets around it, he wants me to have it extracted to avoid bone loss & it came in crooked. Will extracting w wisdom tooth that is crowding the second molr next to it cause damage to the second molar when the wisdom tooth is extracted?