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Need other needle fear help (non dental related)

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Junior member
Oct 12, 2007
Its not dental related but Im going to have to get some blood drawn for lab tests because Im a hypochondriac and I need some reassurance that there is or isnt anything wrong with me. However, needles + timmy = panic attack/fainting. Times that by four and thats what its like for me to get blood taken.. Is there anything I can ask for to sedate me (not valium) Im prescribed valium 5mg to take on a daily basis so it doesnt do much for me. Is there anything else I can take for heavy sedation to where I can actually get my blood taken without feeling like Im going to die?
Re: Need other needle fear help (non dental relate

Would it be possible to maybe have Nitrous Oxide ? Maybe if u have the Test in a Hospital,they will have the Laughing Gas :-/
Re: Need other needle fear help (non dental relate

Hi Timmy, I can't really help you with your sedation question (as Issy said, laughing gas might be an option), but there are a couple of things that might help...

(1) to prevent fainting, there is a technique called Applied Muscle Tension - basically, at the first sign of a problem, you tighten your arm, leg, and torso muscles for 10 or 20 seconds, until your face feels warm. Then slowly relax them. You may want to practice this technique with a psychologist.

(2) You may want to try desensitisation ("gradual exposure") therapy (again best done with the help of clinical psychologist or similar, though obviously you could try it on your own by fiddling around with objects which remind you of needles, then move on to actual syringes, etc.). Some doctors/GPs may be familiar with these techniques and may be able to give you advice.

With regards to tranquilizers or anti-anxiety medication, your doctor (who also knows your health history) might be the best person to ask :).
Re: Need other needle fear help (non dental relate

Thank you all, I know from my own experimentation that nitrous does work for me. I hope that is something they can do for me because Im sure that if I was on the gas that I wouldnt have the anxiety about the needles.
Re: Need other needle fear help (non dental relate

Just think about the positives for example something fun you might be doing after the fact... [smiley=party.gif] Also, laughing gas always works for my umpleasent doctor/ dental visits