• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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New here - seeking input...



Junior member
Sep 14, 2009
St. Charles, MO, USA
I, like many (apparently) have a deep fear of the dentist. I am male and 41 years old.

My story in a nutshell; My birth mother (I am adopted) apparently took tetracycline while carrying me which I'm told resulted in weak enamel. Each and every visit to the dentist as a child resulted in a new filling, sometimes multiple fillings in spite of meticulous brushing and flossing. I just couldn't win. No matter how hard I tried, cavities were inevitable so every visit meant pain from poking, scraping, injections, drilling and for me, feeling like a 'bad person' for having bad teeth. I know it's 'not my fault' - but that doesn't change the deep seated anxiety that I have for dental visits.

Although - the very best (funny to use that term here...) experience was actually having two of my wisdom teeth extracted. I was given pills before hand, nitrous during the procedure - and ultimately, the entire experience was VERY tolerable. I am sure it was due to the anti-anxiety meds and the nitrous.

About 13 years ago a molar broke when I bit into an extra crunchy bit of food - so I bit the bullet (bad pun) and went to the dentist to deal with it. That resulted in a crown - and I had to have an old crown replaced. The experience was significantly less traumatic than my childhood experiences but I was still VERY anxious and even though it was 'better', I still couldn't bring myself to go for regular visits afterward.

Even cleanings, especially having the dentist poke my teeth during regular visits, and the Novocaine injections (shudder) for more intensive procedures cause me great discomfort and anxiety both during and prior to visits. I guess my phobia has taken root and regardless of how much I know it's not 'that bad', I still opt to avoid regular visits. Hell, for me regular visits simply means needles, poking, scraping, pain and scorn...

It's been at least 13 years since my last visit. Now I've got a nagging ache in a lower, rear molar and a few other teeth are getting sensitive and I need to go. I know this - and I am taking steps to get the appointment made - my wife is super when it comes to being sympathetic and is helping me with this - but the anxiety of my situation is almost unbearable.

So I'd like to hear about how people have managed their anxiety when confronting fear of the dentist. I personally think I am going to need a pharmacological solution and would like to know what has worked for others - upsides, downsides, insides and outsides.

Hi, Tzer, and :welcome: to the forum.

You've come to the right place as many of us feel or have felt exactly as you do.

Depending on the dentist you choose, the medication and nitrous are an option for whatever treatment you need. Be sure to discuss your anxiety with your dentist beforehand and let him know you'll need the medication. I'd be willing to bet that with the right dentist, you'll only need it once or twice, and then be able to go from there with just LA.

I was given oral sedation for the extraction of all my teeth. I had two appointments, one to extract 15 back teeth, and then later I had another appointment to extract the remaining 12. I had Valium the night before each appointment and was given Halcion before and at each appointment. I chose to have nitrous for the second appointment because the mere thought of having my front teeth extracted terrified me.

There really were no downsides to any of it. The Halcion didn't do a whole lot because I was SO overwrought with anxiety that I fought it off. My dentist said that only happens in a very small percentage of patients. Lucky me! I'm resistant to most sedatives, so I had a feeling it wasn't going to do much for me. Even then, there was no pain once the LA injections were given, and the whole thing was over very quickly.

The nitrous is great stuff for anxiety. You've had it before and know what to expect, so don't be bashful about asking for it again. Just don't make my mistake and tell your dentist you're "nervous." Mine took that to mean something much less than "phobic." I've been going to him for almost 20 years (when I could work up the courage) and would tell him each time how nervous I was, but would hide my actual terror. It wasn't until I had my 15 extractions that he realized I was actually phobic and not just nervous. If I had it to do over again, I would have let him know years ago how really frightened I was.

Good luck in getting started. Here's to a healthier mouth! :cheers:

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