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New Large Metal Filling But In Pain Again!!!!!!!



Junior member
Nov 11, 2010
HI GUYS AND GIRLS !! please can you advise me??

I had a new deep amalgam filling done in a 6 molar. I developed sensitivity to cold after this which i did not have before - ever !! Also was in agony with this tooth for a week taking codiene and ibuprofen

New dentist put in partial white filling, which has helped but am still ahve some sensit. in the tooth....not so bad....but still there also flicking sensation, like a nerve flicking !! what should i do please, with love and thanks , v xxxx:hidesbehindsofa:
ps i don't want root canal...........
Hey Vanessa
Your story does not sound like a root canal treatment. One of the disadvantages of the amalgam filling is that it is made of metal that transmit hit (and cold).
In any case, if the sensitivity/pain is improving with over the following days, it is sign that the tooth is calming down after the first filling, so it is on the right track.:party:
Wait couple more days, it would probably decrease. :)