• Dental Phobia Support

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Ohmigod! appointment in a few hours!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter truly_terrified
  • Start date Start date


Jan 5, 2006

Oh I feel ill, my dentist appointment is in a few hours and feel physically sick  [smiley=drool.gif].  Anyone got any suggestions to help calm me down!!


Good luck, tt. [smiley=grouphug.gif] Let us know how you get on, and we'll be thinking of you. [smiley=hugging.gif]
Hello Truly,
As hard as it may be and I understand totally how hard this can be to do when nervous have a go at these sugestions.
Try and regulate your breathing. Difficult but achievable if you really concentrate. Breath in while counting slowly to five and let it out and count to eight or even ten if you can.
Do some positive thinking - tell yourself this is what you want to do. Tell yourself its a good thing and it wont take long. Try not to focus on the nervous symptoms your body is giving you such as the shakes and increased heart rate.
Think very hard on giving yourself a reward either for when you come out from the appointment or for tonight - hell, for both!! It could be to watch a favorite film, cook something yummy or have a take away. How about a deep filled bubble bath with some candles and a fav CD playing in the distance. It'l be your treat, your reward and need not cost much.
Good luch Truly, and please post how you get on

I'd done a wee relaxation recording for one of the other forum members.
If it's not too late, maybe you'd like to download it too.

It's a zip file of an mp3 recording.

Some of my patients bring along a personal stereo to listen to during the appointment to give them something else to focus on.

Hope that helps you. Essentially just like a breathing exercise.

Take care.


Thanks for the suggestions.  That's a real help. I'm trying to download that relaxation file to take with me.  Luckily I got an MP3 player for christmas, perfect!

I shall certainly be rewarding myself after the appointment.  [smiley=cheers.gif]  Thanks for the kind suggestions, I think I shall try them all.  After all I feel I will deserve it  :D

I've just taken a large quantity of bach flower remedy.  Doestn't seem to have helped!  I hope you can't over dose on these things!!!

I will post later to let you know how the appointment went this afternoon.  I feel like this  [smiley=scared.gif] at the moment.  

Thanks for your support

Its 2.30pm......*wonders how tt is doing* ::)

You are being thought of :)

Oh I made it hooray  [smiley=jumping.gif]  I feel exhausted from all the adrenalin from earlier. Thank you for thinking of me.  It helped me to get through just knowing you were thinking of me.   :-*

After all that worry it turns out there was nothing wrong with my teeth.  Although I had convinced myself that I was going to need them all out.  [smiley=scared.gif]

I'm glad I went through with the appoinment, once I was there it wasn't so bad after all.  The fear in my head was much worse  [smiley=scared.gif]  The dentist did use with the pointy probe thing in my gums (sorry if t.m.i.!!) that was a bit uncomfortable.  The worst bit was having to lie back, I thought I was going to stop breathing, v scarey.  It didn't last long though, and all was over within about 10 mins.  I felt the dentist was a good communicator which helped enormously, he explained everything before he did it which was reassuring.

I have made another appointment for 6 months, so I am not going to leave such a long gap and build up my fears again.

Anyway, wishing all with upandcoming dental appointments the best of luck.  If I can do it you can too!!  [smiley=grouphug.gif]

going to get a stiff drink now, I feel I deserve it!! :D
Fantastic stuff! [smiley=cheers.gif]
That's what I call a result and huge congrats for going through with it despite your fears, tt. The pointy thing is horrid, isn't it...but you made it! [smiley=notworthy.gif] Sounds like you found a great dentist too.
Cheers! [smiley=cheers.gif]
Dear Truly,
Well done you! [smiley=jumping.gif]
You have every right to feel so proud and pleased with yourself 8-)
Enjoy that feeling and take it with you for next time. Its nice when you know others are with you in your thoughts. It makes you realise you are not alone in the chair [smiley=hugging.gif]

I bet you sleep well tonight! Adrenalin can make you feel like you've ran a marathon lol
