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Ongoing Dental Nightmare

  • Thread starter Thread starter mellepabitnervous
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Junior member
Oct 12, 2009
A bit of a background to my ongoing story/saga...i had 2 teeth crowned during Covid. I had extensive prep on both teeth but i didnt have root canal treatment. After a couple of months i was experiencing pain so returned and saw a different dentist to get a 2nd opinion. Said dentist examined crowns and said incorrect material had been used so replaced with porcelain at no extra charge. Fast forward a few months i was still experiencing pain so returned. I had a problematic wisdom tooth that needed extracting. I went on NHS list however i was in so much pain i went private and had it removed. I was due to go on holidays 2 weeks after and the week before was still in alot of pain. I returned to private dentist and after alot of discussion i decided to have the molar crowned tooth extracted. Went on holiday with no issues apart from eating pasta and soft food for a few days and no alcohol for first 2 days due to antibiotics. So i have been back from holiday for a week now and the pain has been graduallyl building again....i am now booked to see an endodontic specialist. I am so stressed over this whole situation. I am on painkillers but need to wait until Monday for a consultation. Will this nightmare ever end. I wish there was some way the remaining crown could be examined via xray so i could be sure that was the reason for the pain....i am at a point where i just want the remaining crowned tooth removed....it would mean i would have no teeth on the upper right side but it would be preferable to living with this constant pain
Sorry too hear all this .I need two teeth taken out , and some detained roots .
I don’t have the best teeth and I’ll be in the same position regarding no teeth Roth hand side at the back . I’m struggling a lot as I don’t know if I have another infection or not fed up and just feel crap .
Can’t find an NHS dentist anywhere and my daughter has lost her job and can’t afford the private anymore.
All I do constantly is use salt washes every day.
Hope you get some help and answers
Thanks for the reply. Sorry you are struggling as well. I am lucky I have a regular dentist who cannot see me for a week so i am paying for a specialist. I cannot really afford it but i cannot live with this pain.