• Dental Phobia Support

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Original reason for dental phobia has returned and it's become unbearable

  • Thread starter Thread starter KitKate
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Junior member
Nov 15, 2024
I had a filling replaced, leading to an extremely negative dental experience and dental phobia. It was a botched filling replacement. Years later, I needed two crowns next to each other in the same area. One of them popped off during flossing twice, and the repeated procedures to get it to stick caused irreversible pulpitis. I now need a root canal, but the endodontist sent me home without doing the procedure as he said my cold test was inconclusive (I have sensitivity to cold in surrounding teeth as well). Clearly, the tooth that has been put through repeated procedures is the one causing the pain, which has become so intense that I am desperate to have the root canal done despite my significant fear.

I am distressed about how the endodontist sent me home as my pain has increased to the point that I can't sleep much at night. I've suffered for three weeks already. This person did not seem to care at all about either my pain or my anxiety surrounding dental procedures. I've had a root canal before, I know what to expect, and still I would rather endure it again than suffer like this. He said to call the office if pain flares up Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday morning and they might be able to fit me in to do the cold test again. But it flared up last week when they did the test, and it was "inconclusive" so what makes them think it will be conclusive the second time, under the same conditions? I have to drive an hour to this office, one way. The insensitivity borders on cruelty, I feel like. Both insensitive to my level of pain, and my anxiety about this escalating situation. I have been very polite, I would be terrified of being perceived as rude and then suffering further consequences. I just don't know what to do. I am so exhausted, and in terrible pain. The only pain management they suggest is Advil.
Hi @KitKate, so sorry to hear that you've been left in pain, and that the dental professionals you're dealing with are so lacking in compassion. What an awful situation to be in :( .

it sounds a bit odd that a crown would pop off during flossing - crowns made with modern materials and modern cements are usually so strong there's no way to get the crown off a tooth without cutting it off. So I'm not sure why this would have happened. Is the plan to do the root canal treatment (if deemed necessary) through the existing crown, and if so, have you had better luck with your crown? Just wondering!

Generally speaking (from what I've picked up over the years in the Ask a Dentist section), a cold test isn't very useful for diagnosing endodontic problems. Did the endodontist do an electric pulp test? Apparently, these are much better at identifying problems. If not, maybe you could ask them to (unless there are any other endodontists in your area who you could see for an assessment - I realise that may not be possible if you happen to live in a rural area with few specialists).

If you have any x-rays from your endodontist visit (you could request they email them to you), you could also post them here on our forum in the Ask a Dentist section for another opinion.

In terms of pain management, you could try alternating or combining Advil (ibuprofen) with other over-the-counter painkillers. You can find more information here with links to the appropriate schedules and doses etc.:

Keep strong 🤗
Hi and thanks so much for your reply! I wasn't aware of the electric pulp test, I will check into it for sure. Also, combining advil with another otc pain reliever is a good idea. The endodontist prescribed a steroid but the dentist already had me do a course of it (methylprednisolone). I told the endodontist it had been only a week since the first course of steroid but he still prescribed it. I checked with my doctor and she said it wasn't a good idea to take two courses of that steroid only a week apart (I thought of this because I knew the vet didn't want my cat to take steroids close together). So I didn't fill the prescription.

Also, I am looking into another endodontist to do a second opinion. This situation has just snowballed and is unbearable! I also got bad news that on the other side of my mouth, I have a cracked tooth at risk for splitting down the middle into the root. So the saga continues...I may lose that tooth, they are going to put on a crown to see if it can be saved. The stress and anxiety level keeps increasing, I am glad I found this forum. Thanks again!

Also, I am looking into another endodontist to do a second opinion. This situation has just snowballed and is unbearable!

That sounds like a good plan, please keep us updated!

Sorry to hear about the cracked tooth on the other side 😢 - fingers crossed the crown will work!
@KitKate Hi Kate, you may have resolved this already as of this reply but thought I would comment anyway. I just had a root canal on a tooth where the crown had popped off during a cleaning. The reason mine came off was that there was decay growing underneath it so it was glued to that stuff. I had a root canal because the dentist told me if I just filled it again, I would end up with pain and a root canal anyway a year down the line. I just found this forum and grateful I did. I developed dental anxiety after my old dentist retired. I don't trust any of the new one's I have gone to. By the way, I had pain in an upper molar that kept showing up negative on sensitivity tests. I ended up eventually being told the tooth actually had a cavity in it, which showed up on an xray. Then when he started drilling he said I needed a root canal. Why didn't that show up a year earlier, I have no idea. I hope you found some answers from your dentist and got relief. How is it going?