• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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  • Thread starter Thread starter Amyx
  • Start date Start date


May 24, 2021
So I've got my new patient appointment coming up on 27th Jan.
I don't yet know the extent of damage on my teeth or treatment I'll need however I've got 5 teeth with just roots remaining so I know they'll have to come out and a hole in 1. A couple have black marks on which I hope they can resolve.
I'm working myself up into such a state about this.
I've now got childcare issues at the time of the appointment and also I'm full of flu so it's making my head hurt 😫😫
Does anyone have any words of wisdom please? You'd think this was going to be the end of my life, I can't plan anything after it, it's my works Christmas do on the same day so I'm not even sure I will be able to go 😢 i dont even know if i can get the time off work to go to this appointment which is also making my anxoety worse! please help me!!
I think the anxiety and the wait may be worse than the appointment. The appointment itself may come as a relief. It always does for me. Do you have anything you like to do to distract yourself, like watching movies,or something else you can really get involved into?

You certainly have a lot on your plate. I don’t have any advice, but I do send some encouragement.

I hope you feel better soon with the flu, and can continue to face your dental issues.
Coming from someone that has intense anxiety to begin with, the fear of dentists is through the roof and has caused so many problems that here I am at age 52 with no teeth with upper and lower dentures now.

With that said, I can assure you that you can do this. You can make it thru the appointments amd you will learn to adapt to whatever challenges you have to deal with.

And after all is said and done, you can come back on this forum and offer your support to others.