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Pain from surgical extractions and deep cleaning?

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2007
After not going to the dentist for 17 years [smiley=ashamed.gif]I finally went yesterday! YAYYYYYYYYY me! [smiley=jumping.gif]i feel like a huge hurdle was crossed ;D BUT........then came the diagnoses.

I have to have scaling and planing on 7 teeth(back ones) not really worried about that.........but will i be in much pain afterwards? they will numb me before they do it and it will be in 3 different apointments.

Next i have to have 6 fillings, that doesnt really bother me either.

This is what bothers me!!!!!!!!!!!! :-X* extractions! YIKES! i have given birth to 3 children and i would rather do that agian than have extractions!

2 are surgical, there is tooth there but the cavities are sooooo large in them he is scared they will just break off.
1 regular extraction

the other 5 are root extractions which he says is no big deal and should not give me much problems(seem sto me they would be worse) :-/

My question is.........will i be in horrendous pain afterwards, i go next friday to get it done so i dont have to long to wait which is good [smiley=confused.gif]i guess!I just want it to be over then i will know the worse of this experience will be over........also.....what does surgical extraction mean?

They dont have iv sedation there which is okay, i THINK i can make myslef manage.they will give me 2 ativan to take an hour before I go and then i will get nitrous. They have headphones, vision therapy and nice warm blankets so i think i can cope. [smiley=confused.gif]im just worried about the pain afterwards. Thanks!
Re: Im stressing here..............

I'd be disappointed if you got much pain after scaling and root planing, nothing that mild painkillers wouldn't handle anyway.

Surgical extractions are where you lift a wee flap of skin to expose the roots of the tooth. No big deal afterwards except that you'll have stitches which are really annoying.
Re: Im stressing here..............

thanks a million Gordon! What about the root extractions, are they no big deal either?
Re: Im stressing here..............

Hi and [smiley=welcome.gif]
Gordon's said before on here that the root extractions are easy peasy contrary to what people imagine...your dentist seems to be telling you the truth on all counts.

Sounds like you are in good hands with the ativan, nitrous, stuff to watch.....to avoid afterpain, take your prescribed painkillers before you think you need them..it's easier to keep at bay that way.

Don't listen to people who delight in telling scare stories...their motives are questionable to say the least. At least you're getting all the extractions over in one hit. You''ll be fine.
Re: Im stressing here..............

Thanks Brit! Im hoping all these horrible thoughts i have running through my head are just that, thoughts and nothing more! [smiley=hugging.gif]
Re: Im stressing here..............

You will do JUST FINE!!!! ;D I had ALL 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled this past Thursday. 2 TOTALLY IMPACTED!! The other two were NOT ERUPTED AT ALL!! I KNOW what you mean about that you would rather have to have your kids ALL OVER again!! I have 4 children, 2 by c-section. Honestly though--getting your teeth pulled--you will be FINE!! Just follow ALL of your Drs. instructions, make SURE to get your pain medicine BEFORE your surgery date, so you have it ready when you need it. Also, remember, once those teeth are pulled, you NEVER have to worry about them AGAIN!!! [smiley=jumping.gif] I have been eating TONS of soft foods. Cream of Wheat for breakfast, various broths for lunch/dinner (chicken, vegetable, beef ETC), LOTS of popsicles!!! They are WONDERFUL!!! Oh!! Also--don't forget to rinse your mouth a couple times a day with salt water (if your Oral Surgeon recommends it of course). You will be back to your old self in NO TIME!! GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!! ;D