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Pain in nostril after fillings

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Junior member
Oct 1, 2024
I went to the dentist after not going for 15 years. Surprisingly, I only had one cavity.

So after my cleaning appointment I went to get the cavity filled on a bottom molar and bonding done on two of my front upper teeth due to minor wear and a small chip that I kind of wanted fixed for cosmetic purposes. At that appointment the dentist shot novocaine or whatever they use for numbing in the gum above my front tooth towards my upper lip and right nostril. Almost immediately my nose went numb which the dentist said was normal.

The rest of the appointment went fine but later as the numbness wore off I began noticing a stinging feeling in my right nostril every time I inhaled/sniffed. It has been over 24 hours since it wore off and I still feel a stinging, zapping and scratchy type of pain every time I sniff. If I press down on my upper lip on that side (which is a little sore) while I sniff I don’t feel it. My nose isn’t congested or running, but this weird pain is freaking me out and I’m worried there is a hole in my nose or it’s something serious unrelated to the dental work even though the pain is in the exact area I got an injection and only started after my appointment. I really hope it is temporary. I’m a hypochondriac and hate random pains I cannot diagnose.
It's just a bit of inflammation due to the local injections, it'll disappear in a day or so at worst.
@jessicat81 Hey Jessica, did your pain go away? I have this same exact thing happening to me from a filling yesterday. I can't get any answers from Denist or ENT. It's driving me crazy.
Oh, thank you. I'm totally freaking out. Did you do anything special? Ice or Advil?
@aekadvantage no, I just let it run its course and tried not to constantly sniff and obsess over it. Dentist was Monday and it was bad until Thursday afternoon when I noticed it was not happening as much. I woke up today and it was completely gone!
Did you ever have bleeding? I woke up this morning with a bloody nose and it's continued for a few hours. I'm sorry to keep messaging I'm just trying to figure out what to do.
I did not have any bleeding but the inner wall of that nostril is dry and burns slightly. I tried looking inside with a flashlight and I can see it is red and irritated. The stinging when I inhale is gone but there is still some redness inside compared to the other nostril. Hopefully that’s what caused your nose bleed!