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painful jaw, swelling gum, root canal treatment should be done asap, but it is not

  • Thread starter Thread starter li-li-nka
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Junior member
Oct 11, 2013
painful jaw, swelling gum, root canal treatment should be done asap, but it is not

Hi. I need a help as I don't know what to do.

My dentist have started the root canal treatment couple weeks ago. (She opened the tooth, cleaned and closed). Last wednesday, she cleaned the teeth again and put something into the tooth (it looked like needle) She said also that it is deep infection in bone so it needs couple of months to heal it.

(Isn't it long time?)

Two days later, (yesterday) I got the pain in my teeth, used ibuprofen during the night and went to clinic this morning. The dentist gave me only the antibiotics (Amoxillicin 500mg) for 5 days and if pains come, I would use the ibuprofen. She also left the tooth open, only put clean cotton into it.

She said also, I should be ok for next couple of days. But..since I came home I feel I have painful not only the gum but also an area around - my jaw is sore and little bit swelling. Also the right bottom of my nose is sore if I touch it.

I feel something is wrong.
What do you think?

I think that the root canal treatment should be done as soon as possible and not waiting long time.
It is mainly unpleasant feeling after taking the antibiotics.

I am little bit scared as my friend happen that he had swelling half face from the dentist treatment for couple of days and no one said it is he because he looked really awful of it.
Re: painful jaw, swelling gum, root canal treatment should be done asap, but it is not

I think that the root canal treatment should be done as soon as possible and not waiting long time.
It is mainly unpleasant feeling after taking the antibiotics.

I agree.
It sounds like your dentist is not the right one for a root canal treatment. It is not recommended to leave a tooth open.
Re: painful jaw, swelling gum, root canal treatment should be done asap, but it is not

I agree.
It sounds like your dentist is not the right one for a root canal treatment. It is not recommended to leave a tooth open.

I have been waiting for a letter from hospital for the appointment for this treatment since May.
So my dentist is not going to do it because the inflammation is deep in the tooth. I will see during the weekend how it is going to be, if worse, I will visit the emergency hospital on Sunday.