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Partially erupted wisdom tooth

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Junior member
Oct 25, 2016
I had an xray years ago and was told my upper left wisdom tooth was at an angle and would not come through as there was a tooth in the way. I had the neighbouring tooth removed a couple of years ago.

About a year later I felt something in my gum so I had a look. It was only the wisdom tooth starting to come through! I'm 45! It has now stopped growing and seems to be half in and half out. It isn't painful or uncomfortable. Will the dentist insist on taking it out? I really don't want a wisdom tooth removed. especially when its not painful. I am extremely anxious at the dentist. I really don't go if I don't have to. I cry even just sitting in the chair never mind having another extraction.
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Most dentists recommend having partially erupted wisdom teeth out because they are so hard to keep clean. This can lead to cavities developing on it or the gum tissue around it becoming infected over and over. I do occasionally see patients who have had partially erupted wisdom teeth for their whole life with no problems. Most often these people have a good diet and work hard to keep their entire mouth clean. If you're able to do this, you'll minimize the risk of needing to have it out in the future.
Thank you. I appreciate your reply. :)