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Petrified of broken root canal extraction and possible complications



Junior member
Jan 2, 2025
I have severe dental phobia and have been putting off dealing with this broken/decayed tooth that previously had RCT for a year.

It is an upper 1st molar that is now broken at the gum for about 6 months and obviously needs extraction.

The dentist has referred me to an oral surgeon and told me not to worry, but added that this will be a complex extraction due to the condition of the tooth.

I am beyond petrified of the whole procedure. The injections (numbing has taken multiple shots and long wait times in the past) , the 'complex' removal, the healing time and potential complications during and after.

I'm so worried this will be a lengthy and traumatic procedure. I've read in this forum about broken teeth being extracted surgical more easily, but I've also read root canaled ones are more tricky.

Also I am concerned about my neighbouring teeth (last molar with root canal, and no crown as I can't afford one, and canine) or a jaw bone infection as I do feel some pain around the area now. I wont be able to afford implants, and due to bone loss from rushed orthodontist and moderate gum disease,I dont think I am a candidate. Google has not been my friend reading about the damage I could have done by leaving this so long.
I'm worried I will lose all my teeth one by one.
I'm so worried this will be a lengthy and traumatic procedure. I've read in this forum about broken teeth being extracted surgical more easily, but I've also read root canaled ones are more tricky.
Really don't see any reason why this would be either traumatic or lengthy. Root canal treated teeth can be more brittle but isn't an issue here, they'll be separating the tooth into it's separate roots anyway (from the patient's POV it's just some drilling, like a filling). Local isn't a problem for an upper first molar without any sign of acute infection.
Thank you for your reply.
I just got home from the procedure.
I forgot to mention I am in Thailand.
The oral surgeon took one look, said this is easy, and 15mins later it was all done!!
So I posted about this the night before the appointment, after initially posting in the support thread-which possibly wasn't the right place (I'm a newbie here and in my terror didn't pay much mind to where I was in the forum)!

I've just got in from my appointment, and it went well. Thought I'd share my experience incase it's of use to anyone else.....
สวัสดี ค่ะ (sorry for assuming your gender!)

Thank you for updating and I'm glad it all went well for you.
I didn't mention I am in Thailand. Dental work here is excellent and generally affordable. But I could not afford the fancy International Dental hospitals with sedation etc.

The small clinic I visited booked me in with their oral surgeon who it turns out works both there and the International Hospital.

He was excellent. Very patient with my nerves and shaking. Explained the procedure. Even gave me a pillow to squeeze!

He took one look and said 'this will be easy'

I was numbed very well 1st time which is a first for me.
15 minutes, and £38 later I was on my way home!!

I was given thorough after care instructions along with some fresh gauze and ibuprofen.

He said there was no need for antibiotics as there was no infection.

I didn't get stitches. I am a little surprised about this as everything I read avoit surgical extraction suggested this would probably be the case. I guess I have to trust in his decision.

Just the healing stage to focus on now. Currentl biting down on a gauze as I type. A little nervous about how it will go. But feeling 100 times better than I was this time yesterday.
He said there was no need for antibiotics as there was no infection.
Quite right :-)

I didn't get stitches. I am a little surprised about this as everything I read avoit surgical extraction suggested this would probably be the case. I guess I have to trust in his decision.
Doesn't sound like it was an actual surgical extraction, so no need to suture.